Shall I deny my lungs their breathing rights? - Part 16

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Hey, sorry it took so long to update! This chapter is 700 words longer than usual so it took me a while to write. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

A week had passed since the incident with Jason and the hospital had put a lot of effort into making sure Seth's room was safe. If anyone wanted to visit Seth, Roman would have to meet that person at the reception desk and say whether they were allowed in or not.

Hunter had made a rather large donation to the hospital, to make sure that Seth got all of the care he needed without Dean or Roman having to worry about the costs. It was the least he could do to thank them for all of their help.

Dean still hadn't left Seth's room, since he had been brought there. He didn't want to risk leaving the weak man's side. What if something happened when he was gone? What if Jason managed to get past security and go into Seth's room? Who would protect him?

It was a rock bottom experience for Dean. If anything happened to Seth, it would be his fault and he one hundred percent believed that, even if Roman said it wasn't true. Dean was to blame for this.

Seth had made a very small improvement over the past few days. The doctors did a check up and found that the burns on his stomach had started to heal, although they wouldn't be fully healed for at least a month.

Roman had lost count of all the paperwork he had read through and signed, but there was one particular document that never slipped his mind.

The day after Jason had made a surprise visit, the doctor gave Roman a medical contract which read: 'If Mr Seth Rollins has made no improvements and shows no sign of making any improvements in the future (by 08/12/2015, six weeks time) then _____________ has the right to tell the doctors to turn off the ventilator.'

It had been the hardest sentence he'd had to read in his entire life. He wrote Dean's name on the empty line. He figured that Dean was the closest to Seth, so it was only right if he had the say in when to turn the ventilator off and allow Seth to pass away.

Dean freaked out when Roman told him this. If Seth didn't improve in a few weeks, then his entire life was in Dean's hands. 

The crazy thing about this whole situation, was that even though Seth was a hated man in WWE, he still had a lot of people coming to visit him and give their respect and prayers. Hunter and Steph visited almost every night.

The Authority agreed with Roman's decision to give Dean the say in what to do with Seth. They didn't argue.

Roman went back to work for the first time since the incident. It was horrible having to be away from Seth and Dean for so long, but he was glad he got to speak to people at work and let them know about Seth's small improvement.

Hearing that Seth's burns had started to heal made Dean produce a small smile. It had been a long time since he had done that.

Dean was left alone with Seth once again, whilst Roman was at work. The doctor came into the room and checked Seth's vitals, making sure that he was taking the right amount of medicine.

"Well, Mr Rollins seems to be in the same condition as earlier on in the week. His burns are healing, but it doesn't look like much else is happening." Doctor Marakett stated, as he wrote a few things down on his clipboard.

"Okay." Dean muttered, wanting to be left alone.

"I was having a chat with some of my fellow co-workers this morning and we were hoping to test Seth's breathing and see if he's ready to come off of the ventilator. We'll probably wait a few days so that he can gain some extra strength, and then we'll test him."

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