Heaven has a plot to take my life - Part 23

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The lovely picture for this chapter was made by my friend Black_Shield on ao3. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Seth was sat outside of the hospital, on a bench with Dean. They were waiting for Roman to arrive so that he could drive them back to the hotel. Seth had checked out of the hospital only twenty minutes before.

Roman arrived shortly after and drove the two men to the hotel, making a quick stop at Walmart to get Seth a new toothbrush. 

When they got to the hotel, Seth was shocked to see a banner hung up in the main reception saying 'Welcome Back Seth!' Dean looked at Seth and smirked, grabbing his hand and leading him to the party room.

The room was full of WWE Superstars including, The Authority, a few other male wrestlers and a few female wrestlers. There were tables full of food, and even a karaoke stage. Seth was making Dean get on that. After an eventful party and a double whammy of Dean singing 'Sweet Caroline,' everyone began to leave.

Dean took Seth up to his hotel room. They parted with Roman once they got to their floor, leaving the two of them alone.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Dean asked, opening the door to their room and guiding Seth in.

"I don't know, I'm too full of food to do anything right now." Seth replied, groaning slightly from how full he was.

"Fair enough. How about we watch a movie and chill out on the bed?" Dean suggested.

"Sounds good." Seth agreed, smiling.

Dean stuck a film on and joined Seth on the bed, making sure to cuddle him extra tightly. He never wanted to let go. Seth responded by placing his head on Dean's chest.

"I love you, baby." Dean whispered into Seth's hair.

"I love you too." Seth replied, pulling Dean closer and wrapping one of his legs around Dean's body.

"Hey, we never really made this official so Seth Rollins, will you be my boyfriend?" Dean asked, cupping Seth's face in his hands.

"Yes, I will." Seth replied, leaning up to kiss Dean on the lips.

"God, I love you so much." Dean said, squeezing Seth's ass.

"You said that already." Seth laughed. "And why are you touching my ass?"

"Well, your ass is the best ass in the world." Dean groaned. "And I love you so much, I'm never gonna stop saying that."

"Awe, you're too sweet. I love you too." Seth smiled, allowing Dean to touch up his ass for the rest of the night.


The next day Seth asked Dean if they could go to his old house. He didn't want to go, in case Jason was there, but also because the though of being in that house again gave him nightmares.

Dean agreed and promised to keep Seth safe if Jason showed up. He then reassured him that Jason was probably passed out drunk.

Seth only wanted to go there to get a few important things, like: photo albums, his wrestling collectibles and one of his favorite jumpers. Sentimental things that he couldn't replace. He remembers having a framed picture of him and Dean, that he hid in his sock draw.

Dean went into the bathroom, claiming that he needed to use the toilet before he left. Instead of doing what he said, he grabbed his phone and sent a text to Roman.

'Me and Seth are going to his old house to get a few things. Do you think you could drive over there in ten minutes to keep a look out for Jason, whilst we're in there?'

Dean was confident that he could beat Jason in a fight, he had already done it once, but he had a bad feeling about this visit and he didn't want Seth to be in any danger. He'd only just got out of the hospital. Roman replied almost immediately.

'No problem, man. I'll be your spy ;)'

Dean smirked at the text before exiting the bathroom, no one was getting hurt today. Seth was waiting, not so patiently, by the door.

"What took you so long, man? Were you taking a dump?" Seth asked, wanting to get the next task over and done with.

"Nah, I was just taking my sweet ass time." Dean smiled, grabbing Seth's hand and walking out into the hotel corridor.

"I hope you washed your hands." Seth said, disgustedly.

"Of course I did, how could I not?" Dean put his hand to his chest in mock shock, annoying Seth slightly. Today was not the day for jokes.

The couple made their way to Seth's old house. Seth's stomach collected more butterflies, the further they walked. He thought about all the possible scenarios that could happen during their time there, and he didn't want any of them to happen.

They reached the house and easily opened the unlocked door. Dean could see Roman's car hiding at the end of the street, which comforted him a lot. 

The house was empty and there was no sign of Jason. The relief flew off of Seth's shoulders, when he realized nothing bad would happen.

Seth instantly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and rummaged through the sock draw to find the picture of him and Dean. A smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw it. Him and Dean were hugging after one of their matches and Roman decided to take a picture of them.

Seth then grabbed his jacket and his photo albums, before making his way back downstairs to find Dean sitting on the sofa.

"I wouldn't sit on there if I were you." Seth said, a grimace on his face.

"Why not?" Dean asked, looking around at Seth.

"A lot of... gross things have happened on that sofa." Seth replied, not looking over at the piece of furniture. It brought back too many bad memories. 

"What gross things can happen on a sofa? Did you guys fuck on here or something?" Dean asked, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, something like that." Seth mumbled. "We should get going soon."

"Is it alright if I look around a bit? There might be something I want to take." Dean smirked. 

"Alright, but don't take too long." Seth sighed, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"I won't I promise." Dean said, before leaving the room and going upstairs.

Seth decided to go into the kitchen and look through the cupboards, just for something to do. When he got to the kitchen, he heard the front door open and close quietly. He looked through the kitchen door to see that there was no one in the main entrance.

"Dean, is that you?" Seth asked, but got no reply.

He went back to looking through the cupboards, but was rudely interrupted by a hand wrapping around his neck. He tried to call for help, but the person's other hand covered his mouth.

"Hello Sunshine." Jason growled. "I've missed you."

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