Betrayal won't come from my enemies - Part 8

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Dean felt the burning flames of a fire roam around his angered body. His face grew an even darker shade of red, from fury, with every step he took towards the troubled couple.

He felt like he was walking in slow motion, but in reality he was running as fast as he could in order to help his friend.

Everything made sense now. The bruises, the self harm, the shyness, the constant sadness. Seth was being abused by his boyfriend for god knows how long. Dean shuddered as he thought of the possibility that this was happening during the Shield days.

So many thoughts rushed through Dean's head, but they all suddenly disappeared once he placed his hand, roughly on Jason's shoulder and pulled him off of Seth, pushing him onto the ground.

Dean threw himself on top of Jason and started throwing punches without a second thought. He was in a trance. The Lunatic had been unleashed. He was taken out of the trance a few minutes later however, when Seth started to scream.

"Stop! Dean, stop, you're gonna kill him!" Seth was sobbing, not knowing what to do. He had never seen Dean this angry before.

"That's the idea." Dean grunted, as he stood up and took a look at his 'victim.'

Jason's eyes were glued shut from the thick layers of blood that were drying on his face. There was no doubt that his entire face would be swollen within a few hours. His nose was broken, Dean felt the bone crack against his fist at some point.

"Who do you think you are, putting hands on Seth like that?" Dean asked, his voice was loud and rough, full of hatred and disgust. "You're sick!"

"Dean, calm down." Seth whimpered, taking a look at his lover's beaten face.

"No Seth, I will not calm down. This man needs to learn his lesson." Dean snarled. "If you ever lay a hand on Seth, or even go near him ever again, I will not hesitate to beat you until you can no longer breathe."

Seth was shocked to hear the words that were coming out of Dean's mouth, but what shocked him the most was the tone and emotion in his voice. Hatred, anger, fury. 

"And this thing between you and Seth-" Dean added on to his last sentence of speech. "Is over. Come on Seth, you're coming with me."

Seth didn't know whether to follow his friend or not. In any other situation, he would, but right now Dean was in the wrong mindset and that scared Seth. His boyfriend- ex boyfriend was also lying on the floor in agony, covered in blood and Seth didn't want to leave him in such a mess. He may have been a jerk, but he had done a lot for Seth.

"Seth!" Dean shouted, taking Seth out of his thoughts and walking towards the door. "C'mon."

"Okay." Seth whispered. He could already see a slight hint of care and compassion in Dean's eyes and he knew the older man would be back to normal in no time. 

Seth took one last look at Jason and said his goodbyes, before following Dean out of the house and into his car with a sigh.

"How're you feeling?" Dean asked once they had both put their seatbelts on.

"I don't know." Seth sighed once again.

The drive to the hotel was silent, but Seth couldn't help but notice Dean looking at him every now and then.

Once the two men arrived at the hotel Dean was staying at, Dean allowed Seth to take a shower and eat some breakfast. It was only the early afternoon, but Seth was already exhausted and didn't want to go to work.

"I can tell them you're sick if you want? You've had a traumatic morning, you deserve a day off to rest." Dean said, looking concerned for his friend.

"No it's fine. I've been through worse, I'll get over it." Seth sighed for what seemed like the one hundredth time that day.

Dean didn't know what to say, so he simply nodded. Seth wasn't going to let his mental health affect his work, he was a professional. But Dean knew that they had to talk about it sooner or later, before Seth cracked.


Seth made his way out to the ring, later on that night. The fans could tell that something was off straight away. He didn't have the classic heel Rollins smirk on his face. He cut a promo and got attacked by the Demon Kane. Nothing too exciting.

Dean was in his locker room, when Seth got there. They drove back to the hotel and headed straight for the bed. They didn't plan on sleeping yet, even though Seth was exhausted, they just wanted to lie down.

Dean's mind was full of questions, but he knew asking them all at once would be too much for Seth to handle right now. He just wanted the answer to one thing.

"Seth?" Dean asked quietly, turning to face the tired man.

"Yeah?" Seth replied, voice croaky.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Seth already knew it would be about Jason.

"Were you and Jason together during the Shield?" Dean asked, worried for the answer. What if Seth had been abused back then and his friends didn't notice it until now?

"No." Seth sighed. "We got together a few months after the Shield broke up."

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know." Dean was relieved but still upset for Seth.

"That's okay."

There was silence for a few more minutes. Both men were slightly dozing off, when Seth spoke.

"Dean?" Seth asked, whispering in the quiet and dark room.

"Yeah?" Dean replied, with his eyes closed. He didn't realize how sleepy he was until now.

"This is gonna sound weird, but can I cuddle you?" Seth asked, sounding so innocent and fragile. It broke Dean's heart. What had Jason done to him to make him so sad?

"Of course you can." Dean smiled, although Seth couldn't see it in the dark.


Dean rolled over onto his side, facing Seth, and placed his arms around the younger man. The wave of warmth that surrounded the two was something that they had never felt before. It was unlike anything they had ever experienced. It was magical.

They fell asleep in the comfort of each other's arms within seconds.

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