Thanks for your concern and calls - Part 3

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So, Roman is a jerk in this but he's really nice in real life. This is just a story. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

The next morning, Seth awoke to an empty bed. Jason didn't come home last night, which meant he was either still drinking at the pub or sleeping over at a 'friends' house. At least Seth could eat his breakfast in peace.

Turns out Seth didn't have to leave Dean's jacket in his car after all. 

The thought of Dean brought back memories of the day before. Dean had found out one of Seth's biggest secrets and he wanted to talk to him about it. That was going to be an awkward conversation.

Seth got to work early and prepared for his match against Randy. He lost track of the time and soon realized that the large majority of his co-workers had arrived and made their way to the locker room, including Dean.

Seth decided to stay as far away as possible from Dean. He was trying to delay their conversation.

An hour before his match, Seth found himself sitting in the gorilla position, wasting his time and trying to hide away. The hiding didn't work very well however, when Dean sat right beside him.

"Hey." Dean smiled.

"Hey." Seth replied, looking down at the floor.

"What's up?"


The two men were silent for the next few minutes, not knowing how to approach the elephant in the room.

"So, you never answered my question yesterday." Dean started. "Did you do that to yourself?" Dean asked, gesturing towards Seth's covered arms.

"Um, I have your jacket in my ca-"

"Seth, stop trying to dodge the question." Dean said sternly.

"Why should I tell you anyway? It's not like you care." Seth sighed.

"I do care for you. I know we've had our rough times, but I hate seeing you so down and upset everyday." The conversation stopped once again, only to be restarted a few minutes later by Seth.


"That's all I needed to know." Dean sighed. "Why?"

"Look, I know you're trying to help but my personal life is really none of your business." Seth snapped, defending himself.

"I'm not trying to intrude in your life. I just want to help."

"Well, I don't need your help. Leave me alone." Seth argued back, childlike, before rushing out of the room and hiding out in the bathroom until his match.

Once his match was over, Seth got changed and made his way to his car. As he was about to get in, Dean appeared.

"What do you want?" Seth sighed, fed up with Dean's questions.

"Um, my jacket?" Dean said rudely. That's when Seth realized that Roman was standing behind Dean. Obviously he didn't want Roman to know about their new found 'friendship.'

"Oh right, here you go." Seth gave Dean his jacket and got into his car, driving away before Dean could say anything else.

Seth arrived back home to find Jason asleep on the sofa. He reeked of alcohol.


"Look Rome, I'm just saying don't be too hard on him. He's having a rough time at the moment." Dean sighed, as the two men entered their hotel room.

"Everyone's having a bad time at the moment. Seth is just overreacting for someone's pity." Roman replied, not buying the act.

"No, it's not like that." Dean tried to explain, but Roman didn't care to listen. "There's something really wrong with him, but I don't know what it is."

"Well, why are you getting involved if you don't know what's going on?"

"Because he's hurting himself over it!" Dean shouted. He needed to get that off of his chest.

"What do you mean?" Roman asked.

"He cuts himself. His tape came off in our match yesterday and I saw the cuts. That's why he was wearing my jacket. He didn't want anyone else to see it." Dean sighed.

"Still, why are you getting involved?"

"Are you serious Roman? Self harm can kill you. I'm trying to help him stop before it's too late."

"You always used to say that you wanted him dead. Now's your chance." Roman said with no emotion. He really hated Seth.

"I said that because I was mad at him. I didn't mean it." Dean argued back. "I don't know why I bothered telling you. I thought you would help him, but obviously I was wrong."

"I would have helped him a year ago, but it's too late now."

"You're unbelievable." Dean murmured, getting into bed.

"After what he did, he deserves whatever happens to him."

"What if I was in Seth's position right now? What if our roles swapped? Would you say the same about me?" Dean asked, outraged by Roman's words.

"Dean, that's different."

"No it's not. He's a human being too Rome, just like us. He's hurting. Bad."

"Whatever." Roman sighed. "I'm going to sleep."

"You're sick in the head, Roman." Dean growled, just before he fell asleep.

When morning came, Roman awoke with last night's conversation fresh in his head. This could be a great way to get revenge at Seth for what he did to him and Dean.

Roman could easily out Seth's little secret and ruin his world, it would be so easy to type a few words on twitter and publish them.

The inner angel in him told him not too, but the inner devil overpowered that thought and before he knew it, Roman had tweeted about the whole situation. Oops.

'Look out for the marks on Seth's arm. The little princess is having a hard time right now. #Oversensitive #Attentionseeker.'

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