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   It was cold, and the leaves crunched underneath my feet. I pulled my jacket tight across my chest,and tugged my beanie over my ears. I wasn't sure where I was. But I was scared. I was terrified. I was alone. I've always hated being alone. I sighed to myself...the only sound,other than crunching leaves,was the silent blow of the wind. Which made this whole little scene seem more spooky than it had before. I felt - like I was being watched but I wasn't sure who,or what was watching me.
  I kept walking, trying to clear my mind from the little voices that were trying to come back,trying to speak to me again. They always..taunted me..telling me things I already knew. What's the purpose in telling someone something they already know?
  I groaned. They were back..I couldn't fight them off. But I had too- "it's ok Tyler.." I reassured myself,continuing my little walk through the trees.
"Tyler,where are you going? You know there is no way to escape yourself"
"Stop..stop it...go away", I said to myself,"leave me alone..I -I don't deserve this"
"That's exactly why no one wants you,Tyler.You're a weak little piece of shit"
   "LEAVE ME ALONE!"I yelled,then speeding up with pace, my patient walk soon becoming a run as I began to loose my breath. The trees were a blur as I ran, and quickly I began to feel as if  someone had their hands around my throat. That was impossible though- because no one was in front of me and I was running as fast as I could.
"Give up ,Tyler"
"GO AWAY!!" I screamed ,"GO AWAY,GO AWAY,GO AWAY!" and then I realized I wasn't moving. My eyes were closed- everything was dark..I I could no longer see a thing.
"Tyler, stop fighting"
  I moved my hands to my throat, gasping for air,still unable to see.
  Then I heard laughter, probably the deepest, meanest laugh I'd ever heard..and probably the scariest.
  My body  was then yanked by some force, and I was thrown against something rough and hard, and I felt hands around my neck. Squeezing my neck as hard as it could,my back body felt weaker than it ever had before..and all the sudden I could see. Barley..but I saw a blur,and in front of me, choking the life out of me, was a reflection of myself. Except,his neck seemed to be the color of a charcoal black...and his eyes were glowing red...and he smiled at me. He was enjoying it,and as I stared at his Blurryface while I was being choked to death,I realized he was my demons. He was my worst critic. He was me,at my worst. He was me, completely corrupt.

Hi guys! This is my first story on here,so bare with me. I will be updating and adding a new part/chapter almost everyday. Therefore they probably will be short, but there will be many of them. Also,Feel free to follow me on Instagram @tylerhpesoj

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