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We walked in and sat down at a table right next to a window, the sun barley peeking from behind groups of gray clouds.
"What do you boys want,I'll go order," my mom said, staring down at us.
"Tacos," we both said at the same time,followed by laughter.
"And to drink?," She asked.
"Coke" we both said, yet again ,at the same time.
"Okay you two, I'll be back in a few minutes," My mom continued,leaving the table.
I scooted close to Josh, laying my head on his shoulder,"I'm tired..and hungry. I want tacos"
"Well you're gonna get tacos if you wait," Josh said with a cute chuckle,"You're just adorable" Josh moved his hand over on my thigh,letting it just lay there.
"And your hot as fuck," I whispered softly in his ear.
"Oooo..language. Someone's been a naughty boy, and is definitely going to have to pay for it
later" Josh whispered softly in my ear.
"Sweet talkin' in Taco Bell," I said with a laugh,"Nice."
"It's a little bit more than just sweet talk,"Josh said biting his lip,"You've been a bad kitty and we need to take care of it."
I quickly moved my head from Joshes shoulder as my mom approached the table with drinks and tacos.
"Ohhh yumm!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together.
"See,I told you you'd get your tacos," Josh said laughing,taking a sip of his drink.
I took a big bite of my taco and glanced over at my mom,"Hey mom," I said with a mouth full,"I need to tell you something"  I quickly swallowed ((THAT COULD BE TAKEN IN A SEXUAL WAY OOPS))
"Josh," I said, a grin quickly spreading across my face,"Asked me to move in with him,"
"Oh," my mom said,her grin fading just a bit,"Well are his parents aware?"
I glanced quickly over at Josh,"Yea yea and there is plenty of room in my- our, house for him too. In fact, tonite me and him were gonna head to my house."Josh said,smiling.
"Well of course. Whatever makes you happy,Tyler," my mom continued, looking over at me with a smile,"I can drop you two off there later,if you want?"
"Speaking of that, I need a car," Josh said with a laugh,"But, I was actually hoping that maybe I could borrow your car for an hour or two and take Tyler somewhere special?" Josh continued,taking a big bite out of his taco.
My mom smiled bright,"That would be great. You two can drop me off and use my car for the day if you'd like"
"Thank you,mom" I said, finishing my taco.
"You're very welcome. Just bring it back before 8,okay?"
"Okie doke," I said, wiping my hands on my jeans.
Josh looked at me and laughed.
"Your acting like a 5 year old. That was cute," Josh stopped, realizing what he said, and blushed, elbowing me in the side playfully to make his comment seem less meaningful.
Josh winked at me and I winked back,and we both exploded with laughter. Today was going to be a good day.

(time skip,around 4:30pm)

Josh parked my moms car in some parking lot,giggling at the joke I had just told him.
"Why are we here Josh?"
"I just wanna talk to you. I want you to tell me stuff about yourself," Josh said,smiling at me,"Why do you get so sad sometimes? Who's this 'Blurryface' and why does he want you dead?"

"Both questions I wish I could answer myself.." I groaned looking down at the floorboard. Josh placed his hand on my chin, pushing my head up and leaning in close, his soft lips landing on mine.
"Now tell me," he said ,"Tell me atleast what you think. Try to answer these questions."
I thought for a minute,holding onto his hand,"Blurryface is this- he's a reflection of myself. He is everything bad about me,combined. All my insecurities, my faults, every bad word I've ever been told that has stuck with me, basically everything negative. I created him myself, I thought maybe it would help, focusing on him as a completely different person, I thought all the bad things would fade from me,and they'd stick with him." I held on tighter to Joshes hand,"But..."
"But what baby?" Josh asked, looking at me with consoling eyes.
"He made things worse. Ever since he's been around I've had nightmares of him. He has black hands and a black neck and glowing red eyes that make you want to cower down, and, no matter how bad I try to fight him off he won't leave, he stays with me, and I've tried everything. I've tried erasing him from my mind,telling myself he's not real, but I hear him. And..Sometimes, when I look in the mirror I see him. Josh, I'm scared. He's one of the reasons I despise myself so much. He's one of the reasons that I wake up and want to die. No matter how good of a mood I'm in, he always says just the right thing that fucks with my mood,and turns my whole demeanor around. He makes everything worse. He makes me want to die,Josh. He won't go away...." I continued to hold Joshes hand, and looked him dead in the eyes,his dark brown eyes sparking,"and I need your help to, take him out."

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