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(Josh POV)

I hadn't went back to sleep ever since I found Tyler awake,crying and sad,unstable. I was just laying there,holding onto him tightly, afraid that if I went back to sleep he would need me again.
I played with his hair, he made little 'mm''s in his sleep, which was adorable. He was truly an angel, he's just sad. He's depressed and I'll do whatever I can to keep him here with me,and keep him safe. Forever. Until the end. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Till death do us part.
         .           .           .          .                 .

(Back to the Tyler POV's)

   "Goodmorning baby," Josh said, as I opened my eyes looking up at him. He looked tired and worried, but still looked down at me with love,"How was your birthday yesterday?" I knew that he thought, or was atleast hoping that I had forgotten what happened late last night. But I remembered, but boy did I want to forget.
"It was great," I said, playing with his hair,"I'm still sore, but it was great."
Josh graced my neck with his hand a few times,staring at the bruises and bite marks he had left across it,"Those are gonna be hard to cover up,huh?" He giggled as I kissed him softly on the tip of his nose.

He scrunched up his nose and stuck his tongue out at me.
"You're like a cute little puppy dog," I said," you can be sweet,playful,loving and gentle, but at the same time you can be rough and aggressive. I like that, I love that."
"You're like a kitten," He said,flicking me on the forehead with his fingers,"You're cute and cuddly; but you're feisty and temperamental," he laughed as I crossed my arms and pouted.
I giggled as he placed gentle kisses across my chest.
"I love you jish" I said,biting my lip.
"I love you,too.. Ty. If not,more"

(( like I have absolutely just killed school. R.I.P school, Tyler and Josh won't miss you))


"4pm next week? That's great. Thank you, it's well appreciated," Josh said, laying his phone down on the kitchen counter and plopping down on the couch beside me,"You have your first counseling session next Tuesday at 4."

I groaned.
"Why are you groaning?"
"Please,Tyler. Go for me, I want you to get the help you need."
"Will you stay with me?"
"If they let me," he said, "if they don't,I'll be waiting outside of the room, until you're done."
"What are they gonna do,Jish.." I asked, taking his SnapBack off of him and putting it on my head.
"Talk to you. Ask you questions. They're gonna see what they can do to get this, Blurryface , out of you."
"I'm scared," I said, moving in close to him.
"There's no need to be scared. I promise."

(( this sucks forgive me plsss! I have lots of plans for this story! You're going to fall in love with it ( if you haven't already) lol, but I'm actually very very very super proud of myself ..and also thanks for all the reads!!!!!!!Warning: there will be a few time skip in the next 2 or 3 chapters :) God bless💕))

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