Monster,how should i feel?

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"Christmas huh? He won't make it until Christmas"
"You're just trying to fuck with me. Go away."
"No one wants me here. Makes sense,since I am you"
"People want me here"
"Like whom?"
"Ah yes. The one whom you are going to kill? Ha..."
I groaned,"Blurryface, go away." I threw a pillow towards him but it just went right threw him.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"How come you're not upset yet? How come you're not bawling into your pillowcase? How come you're not screaming for Josh right now? I would even begin to say that you're starting to like me. How precious"
I rolled my eyes,sighing,"I'm hoping that if I pretend you're just any other normal human being, it'll make you leave"
"If I go, so does Josh..also, I'm not human"
"Shut your fucking mouth"
"Well you're feisty and you're me, and I'm you, so what do you expect?"I said, throwing my hand over my mouth realizing what I had just said.
Blurryface clapped, a slow clap,"congrats. you're starting to face reality. I'd be proud of you,but I don't really have the ability to be proud"
"To bad,so sad."I looked down at my hands, realizing they were fading black ,and i couldn't feel them anymore,"I swear to god-"
I glanced over at where Blurryface was sitting,but he was starting to fade away, the darker my hands turned, the more he faded.
My chest started to burn, and my vision faded. Except, this time, it didn't come back. I couldn't see.
"Josh- jOsh- JOSH!"  He yelled, clawing at his eyes. But,sometimes, you just can't fight off the monster inside.

 "Hm" I said,my vision regaining as Blurryface fully took control of me ,"It feels good to be human

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"Hm" I said,my vision regaining as Blurryface fully took control of me ,"It feels good to be human." I soon began to claw at my arms, leaving deep dark red scratches all across. I got up,walking into the bathroom,staring at my reflection in the mirror,"Hey Tyler," my eyes glowed a bright red, little bits of dark brown seeking through,but barley any,"watta you say we go find Josh?"
"no," I cried,in the corner of my mind, Blurryface had 100% control of me. I couldn't do anything but speak, and when i spoke,the words didn't leave my mouth,they acted as thoughts, only Blurryface could hear me,"no please I don't wanna"
I laughed,leaving the bathroom and picking up a black T Shirt off the floor slipping it on,"You know,black is a great color on you. You should definitely wear it more often.
I bet Joshes dark red blood will look amazing all over this shade of black"
I could see everything that was happening, I just had no control over my body. I could see, and I could speak. But no one could hear me. I was going to have to watch myself kill the one thing that meant the world to me, and I couldn't stop it from happening.
I yelled,"STOP!GO!NO GET AWAY FROM HIM!" As Blurryface, or- I, walked through the house shouting,"Josh! Josh where are you?" With a knife held tightly in my hand.
"Hold on babe, I'll be right there!"
"please," I cried,"what did he ever do to you?"
"He didn't do anything" I whispered,"He didn't do anything but love you, and make you happy. But since he makes you happy, I don't like that. I don't want you to be happy. So I have to get rid of him. I have to kill him. You, have to kill him. And you're gonna rot in jail"
I tried closing my eyes,as Josh walked out infront of me, alook of terror on his face,but I couldnt,and before I knew it, I  punched him hard,right in the face. I'm not strong,I'm not very strong at all actually. But Blurryface, he's a different story. He's much more stronger than me, he has no feelings. He's a narcissist.
Josh fell to the floor,"I don't want to hurt you Tyler-" Josh said,raising up,scooting away,"Tyler focus. Focus please Tyler- oh god-"
"There's no use crying about it" I said, lifting the knife up in the air.

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