Scared and Scattered

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(Tyler POV)

I laid on Josh and I's bed,on my stomach writing a new song. It'd been almost a week and a half since my first appointment. I had missed my second appointment, on purpose, even though Josh practically begged me to go. I wasn't sure when my next appointment was,but I was going to have to find a way to not go to that one too.

"I know what you think in the morning..when the sun shines on the ground and shows what you have done. It shows, where your mind has gone"
I repeated the words I had wrote so far, when I felt weight on my back, and a soft kiss on my neck.

Josh laid down on top of me, his arms wrapped around my neck, and he read the words aloud,"I know what you think in the morning. When the sun shines on the ground,and shows what you have done (( Josh dun..ooooheheheheheheh)) it shows where your mind has gone," he smiled,"that's turning out well. Is it a new song?"
"Yes," I said,"yes it is" I continued,closing the book and attempting to toss the book and my pen onto his desk,which didn't work,and they knocked over a picture frame and fell to the floor,"oops"
"It's a'ight" he said,rolling off of me,letting me climb on top of him,I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.
"It's a shame he's gonna die"
My eyes jolted open, and I sat up.
"what is it,baby?" Josh said,resting his hands on my waist.
"No" I said to myself,"no he isn't."
"Tyler? Tyler are you okay?"
"You have no control over it, 'baby'." Blurryface's laugh echoed in the corner of my mind, and I got up off of Josh,stumbling over to the wall and sitting down in the corner.
Josh got up and tried walking over to me,"Stay away!" I said,shaking.
"What is it?" Josh said,worry written across his forehead,kneeling down a few inches in front of me.
Then..I pictured in my mind, the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Josh, his body limp, his skin pale, his brown eyes had faded to a sad grey looking colour,and blood was oozing from a large cut in his neck.
I started to bawl," promised you wouldn't leave" I said,crying uncontrollably.
Josh got closer to me, and wrapped me in a warm hug,"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here until the very end"
"But what if the end is soon,Josh?"
Joshes face fell, and he pulled away,"W-what do you mean..ty?"
"Blurryface said that-"
"Tyler...Don't listen to anything he tells you. 'Blurryface' is obviously here to bring you down and fuck with your emotions. I promise, everything will be fine. Just stop trusting him. Stop believing him."
"Okay Josh, you're right.." I said,wiping my tears,"I'll -I'll try.."
"Focus on me," Josh said, grabbing my hands and holding on tightly to them,"Breath in on 1, breath out on 10. Okay?"
Josh started counting, and I breathed in, and once he hit 10, I breathed out.

  We repeated this about 10 times,until I was finally calm,and wasn't crying anymore.

I curled up in his lap, as he played with my hair,"I love you Josh"

"I love you too,ty"

"I trust you Josh"

"I trust you Tyler"

"Don't leave me,Josh"

"I won't ,Ty" he said,follow by a tired sigh,"I promise"

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