Oreos and Milk

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   "I want a cat" Josh said,laying upside down on the couch,me doing the same.

    "So you want pussy? WOW... Josh I thought I was good enough" I joked,making a pouty face.

Josh glared at me,before we both started busting out laughing. I almost fell off the couch,but Josh put his arm in front of me.

Josh yawned,"I want two cats" he said,his eyes widening as he got an idea,"I'd get one, that was black and white and name it Oreo! Then I'd get a white one,and name it Milk!"

I laughed,"that is-"

"A great idea? Yea yea I know!" He smiled, his eyes squinting, and he flipped around to where he was sitting upright,"I want two cats! Tyler can I have two cats?"

I flipped around to where I was sitting upright too,and looked at him as it became clear to me,"JOSH!"


"CHRISTMAS!" I yelled,jumping off the couch.

"OH MY GOD CHRISTMAS!"Josh yelled back,jumping off the couch also.


"SEVEN DAYS!" We both yelled.


"WHAT WHAT WHAT??!?!" I asked,curious to what he had to say.


"We'll see,Josh" I said.

"Awe I don't like 'we'll see,josh' I'd prefer 'okay,josh.'"


"Ty,what do you want for Christmas?" Josh said with wide eyes.

"Hm" I said,thinking hard," I want you,for christmas"

"But you already have me"

"Well then ....what else could I possibly ask for?"

Josh blushed, and I kissed him on the cheek.
"But really,if you could have anything, what would it be" Josh said,sitting back down on the couch.

I smiled and sat down on his lap,"let me think"

He groaned,throwing his head back,and shaking me,"what.do.you.want.for.christmas.little.boy?"

I laughed," all I want for Christmas- is youu" I started to sing,"yououou baby"

Josh laughed at my sudden silliness.
I got up off of him and jumped on the coffee table  and started to dance,"I dun want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need," I continued to sing,still dancing around on the small table,"I dun care about the presents underneath the christmas tree, i just want you for my own, more than you could ever know,make my wish come truueue all  I want for Christmas-"

"Is youuuuu!" Josh finished.

I jumped off the table and plopped back down beside him on the couch,as we soon erupted with laughter.

"Santa baby, put a present under the tree,for me..I've been a very good boy"

Josh crossed his arms and glared at me,"you know that you're on the naughty list"

"If I am," I said crawling onto his lap,"you definitely are,"and I placed a gentle kiss against his soft lips.

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