chapter twenty-six

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"Oh crap." Cato mumbled. "Get the others."

"Wait, we have to think about this." Clove started. "The gamemakers have started this, that much is clear. Now, we know they have endless options for disasters that could have the same damage. Why would they choose fire? Perhaps to get one person in particular?" Clove suggested.

Cato looked at Clove. "Could be anyone,"

"It could, yes, but I think they've used fire for a reason. Cato, I think they're aiming it at Katniss."

"Why her?" Cato frowned.

"Perhaps she is having it to easy. She managed to evade us before, maybe she hasn't gotten into any fights at all. She seems like the kind of person to choose flight over flight, to me. Maybe they want to see her in action? I say we search parallel to the fire for now, and if we don't see her when the fire dies down, she will probably be burnt. She will be looking for water." Clove hoped she was right.

Cato nodded. "Good thinking."

"Now, let's get the others." Clove walked towards the cornucopia.

Cato went with Clove, avoiding Marina.

Clove gave the group a brief description of what was going on, and told them her plan. She got some extra knives and slipped them into her belt.

She walked up to Clyde. "Now, you will have the bomb thing ready by the time we get back. Understood? If it's not, or if you've run off..." Clove held up a knife. "I think you've seen how accurate I am with this."

Clove watched as the other careers got themselves ready. Marina had a bandage on her leg and her face was contorted. Clove hoped that she died soon.

* * *

Clyde went to one of the platforms and begun digging.

Cato set out with a backpack and a short sword.

The group headed off into the woods, staying parallel to the fire. Clove had a knife ready at all times.

Cato was looking around, keeping his eyes open and on alert at all times. They passed out of the bush, but still a bit crowded around. They came onto large slabs of rock.

Clove looked around. It was going to get dark soon. The fire had died down. She jumped onto the rocks and looked into the water ahead.

"Woah there she is!" She heard Marvel call out. Clove saw a glimpse of a body running into the trees.

Cato glanced up, smirking, "Come on guys!" He called and started jogging, his voice sounded a bit choked because of the smoke.

The whole group chased after her in a hot pursuit. Peeta was the furthest behind. Either he loved her and couldn't bare to see her die, or he knew he wouldn't be needed after her death. Clove watched Katniss' small figure scurry up a tree.

Cato reached the tree first and looked up, Katniss was half way up already.

Katniss smiled. "How's everything with you?" She asked.

* * *

Well enough, yourself?" Cato replied, waiting for Peeta to catch up.

"It's been a bit warm for my taste. The air's better up here. Why don't you come on up?"

Clove concluded that Katniss was insane.

Cato put the sword he was holding into it's scabbard. "Think I will," Cato answered.

"Here, take this, Cato," Glimmer offered him her bow.

"No, I'll do better with my sword." Cato replied and found a spot to put his hand and feet. He pulled himself up, climbing. It was quite a short process, he was nearly there, half way up, then a branch begun to crack under his weight. Down he went. Falling on the ground with a thump, Cato swore loudly, getting back up.

Glimmer gave it a try. She had no luck. She tried shooting her, but she clearly had no skill with a bow. Katniss yanked the arrow out of the tree and teased Glimmer with it.

Cato growled and kicked the tree. He paced back and fourth, thinking.

The group gathered around Cato. Clove once again tried to stay out of the argument.

"Oh, let her stay up there. It's not like she's going anywhere. We'll deal with her in the morning." Peeta said.

Cato looked at Peeta, he let the idea hang a second before agreeing. "Fine, somebody make a fire." He snapped and went off.

Marvel broke some branches off the nearby trees and places them on the ground. Peeta offered him a lighter and soon they had a campfire.

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