chapter forty-two

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Cato was resting by the fire, cleaning the blood from the weapons, he tried not to think of Clove. But he did. Her laughter, her smile, the way she'd brighten up his day.

Finch went to sleep, beaming with confidence. She was going to eat well tomorrow.

Cato tried to get some rest, he'd need lots, tomorrow he planned on getting the redhead or District Twelve.

Cato decided to go to bed, he fell asleep after an hour, though his sleep was restless and filled with nightmares.

Finch slept through the pouring rain. She listened in to Katniss and Peeta the next day, and it seemed that they weren't going out just yet. Hungry as Finch was getting, she was slightly happy. It would be too hard to not get deadly sick in this weather if she tried to follow them. She ate more of the various plants she had collected, hoping like hell that the next day would be sunny.

* * *

Cato had slept right through the night.

Cato dreamt of home again, and this time, Clove was alive and well. He didn't want to wake.

Finch listened into the District Twelve's conversation. They were still kissing and talking in a flirty way. She wished that they would grow up. This was the Hunger Games, not Perfect Couples.

She went back to sleep, there was nothing else she could do that day.

Cato woke up a bit later, his eyes bloodshot and tired.

Finch kept sleeping. She didn't wake up until the next day. Katniss and Peeta walked out of the cave and she darted away before she was spotted.

Cato was in the forest now, he was thinking of setting some traps.

Finch silently followed Katniss and Peeta. They were hopeless hunters. Finch rolled her eyes yas they chatted. Why couldn't they just hunt already? Finally they split up. She decided to follow Peeta, he would be easier to steal from.

* * *

Cato had the armour on, just in case Katniss were to attack. They didn't send in a face guard, which Cato frowned at.

Finch watched as Peeta put down the food and walked off. The cheese looked delicious. She took a few bites before following Peeta further. When he found some berries, she smiled. There were plenty of them, just waiting to be picked. She went out of sight and picked some, forgetting about the rest of the world. She tasted the first berry.

Her cannon sounded.

Cato was on his feet in seconds, startled by the loud boom. His eyes darted everywhere, in his hand he clutched the sword. In the distance he heard a girl screaming for someone, it sounded like Katniss, but he couldn't quite pick up what she was saying.

Just before the sun was out, now it was getting gloomy. The temperature dropped dramatically and it became dark.

The gamemakers couldn't wait for the final showdown.

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