chapter forty-one

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Cato had the sword in his hand now, quietly going over and bringing the sharp blade down the fabric of the tent. It cut through.

Thresh rolled over, startled by the noise of fabric tearing. He held his axe tighter and sat up, trying to think. But sleep still clouded his thoughts.

Cato had cut the fabric a bit more and now could see Thresh.

Thresh stood up like a drunken man, almost falling. He used his axe as support.

Cato stood back a bit, reaching for the spear.

Thresh charged at Cato, trying to spin his axe into Cato's side. He lost his balance, but hit Cato's leg.

Cato gasped, falling back, there was a deep cut. But adrenaline was coursing through him, he didn't feel much pain.

* * *

Cato spun around, he had the knife of Clove's and managed to cut Thresh's arm, but he was aiming for his neck.

Thresh lifted his axe in pain and hit Cato's side. He let go of the axe there, unable to hold on to it any longer.

Cato was knocked off his feet, staggering, he choked back tears of pain and ache.

Thresh was still on the ground, unable to get up. The knife had hit his bone along with many nerve endings.

Cato managed to stand up again, he clutched the knife, blood coated it. he approached Thresh slowly, pain in his eyes. "You killed her." He choked out.

Thresh clutched arm in pain. "Why should you care?" He snarled. "You and your filthy pack killed everyone else."

Cato glared at him. "We had to," he snapped and looked at the knife in his hand.

Thresh looked at his axe. It was out of reach. He couldn't move his lead arm anyway. "Then kill me. Just like everyone else. And live with the guilt forever." Thresh glared at Cato.

* * *

"Oh no, I won't live with guilt." Cato said, looking back up at him. "You killed Clove, I kill you, it'll make things much better."

Thresh knew he was dead. All he wanted now was to die with dignity. He spat in Cato's face. "Do it then."

Cato wiped his face, clutched the knife tightly, then stabbed Thresh right in his heart.

Thresh's cannon went off instantly. It was just Cato, the Twelves and the redhead now.

Cato left the knife in his heart. He walked away, with the spear and sword, in search if the others.

Cato walked away from Thresh after gathering the armour and anything else that was useful. He begun to go back to the cornucopia, hoping to run into Katniss and Peeta along the way.

Cato didn't, he set up camp and settled down, trying not to think of much.

Finch hid next to the cave. The Twelves seemed like they were planning on going hunting the next day. She was excited, they sounded like they would get her some nice food. She ate some of her food that she had gotten from plants. She had thrown away all her food from the bombings after she had gotten sick from them. She would probably be dead if it weren't for the large container of medicine from the feast. She set up her bed next to the cave, so she could get plenty of sleep before the Twelves went hunting.

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