7 - Ink Stains

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The day after speaking with Malfoy in the Tower, Hermione was tired. She had an uneventful day at school, and the only thing that weighed on her mind was the next psychology book she needed to start reading. That, and helping Hagrid. She was resigned to the fact that Ginny was avoiding her, making helping her almost impossible.

There was also another letter from Harry, and one from her parents that Hermione needed to reply to. Her parents' letter was bizarre - the handwriting was strained, and it was about her cat. She had left Crookshanks at home that year, as she thought it would be easier on him if she were to leave him where he was settled. There was literally nothing about Mum and Dad, save a brief mention at the end that they were well. It was just Crookshanks, Crookshanks, Crookshanks... How he caught a bird, and soiled the sofa, and scratched holes in the rug, and bit the plumber... It was as though she only cared for the tabby, and had no regard for her family. She had no idea how she would respond to it, but it would take too much time for her already sleep-deprived brain.

The next day Hermione made up her mind to reply to both letters, and to read up on Grawp's mental state for Hagrid. She had spend so long worrying about herself - it was selfish, really. She made her way through Herbology and Transfiguration well, then through Charms - avoiding Feathersworth's eye - but in Potions she slipped up. Literally. As she was carrying a tray of Bottersnike livers Hermione caught her robes on the edge of a desk and jerked backwards, dropping the slippery organs all over Susan's textbook and parchment.

She felt her face turn bright red, and she picked up a cloth from the side to try to remove the liver-juice from the girl's work. Unfortunately the cloth was already soaked in some green soup-like substance, and this just stained the parchment more. Susan glared at her, and went to tell Professor Slughorn. He sighed, and asked it they could both stay behind at lunch to clear it up. Susan sulked for the ten minutes during lunch, but did accept that it had been an accident. Hermione apologised profusely, and copied up Susan's work for her on new parchment. Susan soon forgave her, and said that she didn't need to buy her a new book, as Hermione had hurriedly promised to do.

This left Hermione with only fifty minutes in which to eat, write two letters and see Hagrid after going to the library. She would have to miss out one thing, so she made a mental promise to eat plenty at supper. Hermione walked to her usual haunt - the library - and got out her ink, parchment and the two letters.
She decided to start on her parents' first, as it would require very little thought. How does one write a reply to a letter all about a cat, though? Hermione decided to just tell them about Hogwarts, her lessons, and what had been happening. There was no point in worrying them about her dreams; she could cope, and they had enough on their minds. She did put a note at the end, however, asking expressly about how they were. Hopefully she could get some better news about how Mum and Dad really were. Once the ink had dried and it was ready to be sent, Hermione read through Harry's letter again.


Having bad dreams aren't something I can help with much. I've experienced them, obviously, but I know very little about how to get rid of them. Dark magic is needed to create scars as magically painful as ours, and Bellatrix only used a knife, didn't she? I don't want you to dwell on those memories, though; it's clearly not helping you at all and I don't want you to make it worse for yourself. Reading the psychology books might help you to understand, but understanding won't get rid of them. I can't see how those dreams are similar to mine; mine came from Voldemort trying to break into my mind, whereas yours are clearly based on a terrible experience. I would keep an eye on them, though, and be careful.

Please, please check on Ginny, she hasn't replied to my last letter, and I sent it ages ago. I hate to have to ask, but she isn't with someone else, is she? I know the last few months have been tough on her. I need her to be OK.

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