42 - Verdicts Considered

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The next day, Hermione woke up with a knot in her stomach. Today was the day of Lucius Malfoy's second trial. And she was going to be there. Hermione and Draco had spoken to Professor Clark immediately after they had received the letter, and she had sorted out a connection to the Ministry's Floo Network. It would be more convenient for them to arrive that way than by a Portkey, as per Ministry regulations. They hadn't told anyone about where they were going that day, but had agreed between them that they would relay the events to the others when it was over.

Hermione tried to decide what to wear. She didn't really own any particularly formal clothes, but jeans and a sweater was too casual for a court case. In the end, she settled on a white button-up shirt and a long navy skirt. Wrinkling her nose at her reflection in the mirror, she decided to forgo the efforts of make-up. It wasn't worth the time.

She went downstairs to breakfast nearly half an hour early, as she and Draco had been told to arrive promptly at the Ministry. Hermione sat alone in the Great Hall, waiting a few minutes before the house-elves sent the food up. It really was early for her to be up and about. When the meals had bloomed on the tables like delicious flowers she helped herself to some toast, just as Draco walked in. He was wearing grey dress robes, and smiled as he saw her.

"Morning, Hermione," he said, sliding onto the bench beside her and placing bacon and eggs on his plate. "Ready for today?"

"No, and I don't expect I ever will be," Hermione said with a small grimace. "If I'm honest, it scares me a little."

"Imagine how I feel; this is my father I'm condemning." Draco shook his head in disbelief. "I never thought it would come to this, but I want him to stay in Azkaban forever. I don't ever want to see him again."

"Well, if all goes to plan then you won't have to. We've just got to stay calm and think carefully about what we do and say." Hermione squeezed his hand, and he smiled at her.

"I'm glad I've got you."

"I'm glad to be here for you."


At nine o'clock they made their way up to Professor Clark's office. She was waiting for them, along with Professor McGonagall. The former greeted them with a comforting smile, the latter with a solemn nod.

"Hello again, Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy," Clark said, "I feel like I've seen both of you rather a lot recently. Anyway, you know what will happen. The Floo Network is complicated, so you need to be prepared for when to leave the fire. I know that you have used Floo quite a lot, haven't you, Mr Malfoy?"

"Essentially from birth, Professor," Draco agreed.

"Then you will help Miss Granger know how to use it. As a Muggle-born, I can't imagine you have much experience."

"No. I think I've used it twice, but neither occasion was very comfortable," she replied.

"I shall only say good luck to you both, and I hope the outcome of the case is as you desire. Anything to add, Minerva?"

"Be sensible, and be safe," McGonagall said, a warning in her voice. "This is a legal matter, and Lucius will not be an easy person to deal with. Keep your wits about you, and don't take any drastic measures. That is what the adults there are for. Good luck to you both."

Hermione and Draco stood in front of the enormous fireplace, watching the flames lick the inside of the grate. Professor Clark offered Draco a large hessian bag, filled with the ashy grey powder. He took a handful, and threw it into the fire. Immediately, the warm sunset colours changed into a cold green, making Draco's skin glow. Hermione took his hand and they stepped into the fire, ducking under the roof a little.

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