43 - Justice

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Hermione and Draco were called back into the courtroom after a few more minutes had passed. Clearly the decision hadn't taken as much time as they had initially thought it would. Hermione shook herself a little and inhaled deeply. Draco was looking jittery again - she reached for his hand, and he looked at her.

"We're going to be fine," she told him.

"Yes. Yes, we'll be fine," he agreed, nodding and smiling a little. He pulled Hermione into a quick hug before they entered the courtroom and were seated once more.

There was a small amount of shuffling as the jury and Ms Groves opened their door and came in, firm expressions on their faces. Hermione had no idea if this was good or bad for them, but as they sat down and looked at the mirror, she saw the magistrate meet Draco's eye and smiled warmly. Draco, slightly surprised, smiled back.

A loud clunking was heard from the cage, and Lucius rose again on his chair. He looked less composed now that the sentence would be passed; the arrogance was a thin veil over his fear, and Hermione noticed he was bouncing his leg in the same way Draco often did when anxious.

"This court has now returned to session," the pompous doorman announced again, with the help of the Sonorus charm. "Please remain quiet as magistrate Rebecca Groves presents the accused with his sentence."

Hermione took Draco's hand, and squeezed it. He squeezed back.

"Well," Ms Groves started, looking at the audience in the mirror, "Without too much deliberation, the jury and I have taken into account all evidence given, both opposing and in support of Lucius Malfoy's innocence." There was shuffling in the audience, as people murmured their predictions. The tension in the room was high, and everyone could feel the weight of the words that would follow. Draco was holding Hermione's hand, and using his other to fiddle with the sleeve of his robe. His future hung on this moment; all he had been through in the last year culminated in this. Hermione just hoped that his efforts and suffering were worth it for the result.

"Lucius Malfoy..."

Everyone held their breath. Silence hung over the seats.

"I sentence you to forty-four years in Azkaban Prison, for the crimes you have committed against the magical community."

Hermione almost shouted for relief. As it was she let out a little squeal, and immediately turned to Draco who had leant back, exhaling heavily. He looked at her, and grinned widely. It was over. They had won.

"There will be no further investigations with regard to Lucius Malfoy and the condemnations given today. He will now be escorted back to Azkaban, if there are no further matters at hand." Ms Groves rapped the desk with her gavel and looked down on Lucius with finality.

Lucius was shocked. His face wasn't a composed design of sneers and disgust anymore; it was a fallen empire overrun by shame and loss. Just as he had looked down on everyone else, so the audience, jury and magistrate leered over him as the chair started to descend. People started standing up to leave, certain that it was over now. It did indeed feel like the satisfactory end to a tough struggle, but there was something more. Hermione knew they had another job to do, and she couldn't remember. There was something Lucius still had control over. It hit her just as Lucius' head disappeared from sight.

"But we have to talk to him about Astoria!" Hermione said, tugging on Draco's arm.

"Oh Merlin, we do, don't we?" Draco said, shaken out of his happy state for a moment. "I'll, er, what should I do?"

"Just shout!" Hermione said, laughing a little.

"W-Wait!" he yelled over the chatter that had begun. There was a moment of silence, then whispering at the interruption. The chair's creaks as it slid into the depths ceased, then began as it rose once more.

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