18 - Darkness Unfolding

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As the term ended and the winter holidays settled in, Hermione felt relaxed and in control for the first time in months. She was content, and her sleep was normal. The dream hadn't plagued her for about a fortnight, and it was Christmas Eve when it all began to pull apart at the seams.

She woke up that morning with a headache, and had to see Madam Pomfrey for some pain relief. Although the potion she was given tasted vile, she was cured within a few minutes. What made her stay longer was a question from the professor.

"Miss Granger, how are you sleeping?" she asked quizzically.

"H-How do you mean?" Hermione asked, surprised.

"There are a lot of people and creatures that live in this castle: more than a few have reported you wandering around the castle at nights. Do you sleepwalk at all?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Hermione said, flushing, "But I sometimes walk to help relax me."

"Well, the rules clearly state that you are not allowed to roam the castle at night, Hermione. You may be Head Girl, but you still follow the same rules as the other students. If the suits of armour catch you again, then I will have no choice but to tell the Headmistress."

Hermione was silent for a moment, trying to think of some reason that would justify her being allowed out at night.

"For a few months I had nightmares, Miss. I had to get out to help myself calm down again. They've been gone for a while, but I guess it's just... habit now."

"Hmm," Madam Pomfrey sniffed, "Mr Malfoy is often reported to leave his dormitory at night too. Might I say that it seems you are..?"

"No! No!, Oh, goodness, no." Hermione said, blushing and almost shouting with the embarrassment. "No, I had no idea he was too. I just... No, you're mistaken if you think the two happenings are related."

"Well, whatever your reasons for leaving, if you have been struggling to sleep might I suggest this?" She held up a flask of purple liquid. "It guarantees at last seven hours of dreamless sleep. If you take this every night then you'll have no need to worry about nightmares."

Hermione accepted the potion, and went to the Common Room. It was almost empty, as most people had gone home for Christmas. She lay around on the sofas, flicking idly through her books. Madam Pomfrey really thought there was something going on between her and Malfoy? Like that? She shuddered, cringing at the idea. Not that she disliked him. He was lovely, and she had grown accustomed to spending a portion of the night talking with him in the Tower. They scarcely worried about their problems - at least with each other - and preferred to talk about trivial things. They discussed what would happen once they left school, what they did in summer holidays, their childhoods, and it was fun just to discuss the endless possibilities before them. It was pleasant. Friends confiding in each other.

But they had been spotted, and Hermione wasn't sure what would happen now. Could they still see each other at nights? Or would that have to end? She was certain she would miss it, but it wasn't worth getting into trouble for it. Hermione decided to talk to Malfoy about it, because if she just stopped going to the Tower at night she was sure he would be upset.

She found him with Hagrid by the Lake, clearing weed from around the banks. Malfoy was soaked through, even though he was wearing large overalls and boots. His face was smeared with slime, and his hair was pushed back.

"Helping Hagrid?" she inquired as she got closer. He huffed, and dropped the scythe he had been wielding.

"Yes. Felt I wanted to apologise for how horrible I've been to him over the years. Of course, he didn't really believe me at first. He thought I'd been put up to it by some "friends". I assured him I hadn't been, so I offered to help him clear the Lake."

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