11 - Hogsmeade

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Hermione was glad when the 5th October arrived. She had spent the days before that talking things over with a distressed Ginny in every free minute. Ginny had been keeping all her worries pent up for so long, they were eating away at her personality and her schoolwork; she showed Hermione her last piece of classwork, which had been graded a P - just under the O.W.L. pass grade. Hermione was relieved that finally Ginny had an output for her fears, but it was taking its toll on her. She had slept even worse than normal for three nights, her dreams swelling with additional anguish as she wondered over Ginny's health.

The morning of the Hogsmeade visit, Ginny said she would go too. Neither of them had seen Ron or Harry in at least three months, as their Auror training had eaten into the summer break. So the two girls ate breakfast together, Hermione glancing up from her porridge every so often to check that Ginny was OK. She was feeling strangely nervous; it wasn't like a job interview or anything, she was just going to see her two best friends. All the same, Hermione's stomach was in knots and most of her breakfast remained untouched, and when McGonagall came to inform the students that they were now able to go, her stomach jolted and her heart sped up.

She and Ginny smiled at McGonagall as they walked out of the Main Entrance, who responded with an unreadable expression. They walked in silence until they reach the town square, where Harry and Ron were resting against a lamppost. Harry ran the last bit towards them, and swept Ginny into a hug. She gave a squeal, and Hermione saw her first genuine smile in months as Harry kissed her forehead. The redhead cupped Harry's face in her gloved hands and kissed him with a desperation that showed how the distance had affected her.

"Erm, hi," Ron said to Hermione, shuffling a little. She laughed at his awkward expression and hugged him briefly.

"C'mon," she said, "We're still friends." The last few months had had a strange toll on Hermione' and Ron's relationship. After the Battle, it seemed obvious that they were in love. They kissed, talked, went on dates, and were generally a happy couple - but it never felt quite right. Ron had asked Hermione about it, one night in August, admitting that he didn't feel towards her as he felt he should. Neither of them really wanted the relationship out of romantic love for the other; Ron was still in shock over Fred's death, and time with her had simply covered the hole in his mind. And Hermione's dreams eased when she had someone beside her as she slept - they were still there, always, but never quite as bad when she woke up to see Ron alongside her. They both gently let the relationship trickle to a close, and put it down to the strain of the Battle on both parts. They loved each other, deeply, but it was a strong friendship intensified by the chaotic events of their seven years together only. All the same, it left them now with an odd feeling of separation. Neither knew quite what was normal now; should they hug each other when they met? Or kiss? Or shake hands? It was confusing, and Hermione didn't want it to be awkward.

"So, how about the Three Broomsticks?" Harry suggested, one arm around Ginny's waist. Hermione could see the visible relaxation in Ginny's face, and they all went inside the warm pub, away from the frost.

Madame Rosmerta greeted them with free tankards of Butterbeer, and put a dish of Chocolate Frogs on their table.

"Nice to see you all coping so well," she said, smiling fondly at them, "And to see you've all lasted so well. How long have you two been together now, Hermione?"

"Oh, we've decided not to date," she said, flushing a little as Ron gave an awkward cough, "We're, erm, we're both happier as friends."

"Good to see you enjoying each other's company then," Rosmerta said, unfazed, squeezing Hermione's arm.

The four had a good time that afternoon. They played Exploding Snap at the bar with Seamus and Dean who arrived together an hour later, and talked about their various occupations now. Ron complained bitterly about his workload, while Ginny chided him about his general lack of enthusiasm for anything that required effort. Harry wanted to know about the new teachers, and about the new education at Hogwarts. Hermione talked about Professor Clark, and Feathersworth, and about the inclusion of DATDA into every subject. Harry was happy with how the school as going - "Wouldn't want them to get too relaxed after all that's happened..." - and filled them in on their current training.

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