14 - Relaxing, Thinking

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That Sunday, Hermione felt anything other than ready. The stolen minutes at the Halloween feast had helped in her making more notes, but she had no real plan for what would happen that afternoon. Her sleep was fitful but dreamless, so although she wasn't in a state of panic Hermione was still tired out. She ate her breakfast and talked to the others about the Group.

"I'm looking forward to it," Dean said as he munched on his toast, "I think it'll be a great thing to do."

"I'm kind of nervous about it," Ginny murmured, "Are we going to have to talk about the things we've experienced?"

"Not if you don't want to," Hermione interjected quickly. "The whole point of it is that everyone feels more comfortable, so you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"Oh yeah," Seamus said slowly, "We haven't asked Neville if he'll supervise yet..."

"Merlin! Haven't we? I'll have to do that this morning because if he's got marking to do or anything else then he won't be able to help." Hermione got up abruptly and checked the staff table. Most of the teachers had already gotten up since finishing their breakfast, and Neville wasn't there. Hermione gave the others a thumbs-up and walked briskly down to the Greenhouses.

She found Neville weeding one of the flowerbeds, his hands covered in mud and a small pile of wailing dandelions beside him. He was wearing earmuffs to combat the noise, and jumped when Hermione touched his shoulder.

"Hello, Professor," she started, and Neville cringed.

"Call me Neville, for goodness sake! You're older than me, and cleverer for that matter. Anyway, what do you need?"

"Fine, Neville, I have organised a Support Group for the students to help them cope with how things have changed since the Battle, mainly. I've spoken to Clark about it, and she says it's all fine as long as we've got a teacher there to supervise. And Ginny thought - and we all agree with her - that you'd be perfect."

"Who's we? How many of you are roping me into this?" he asked with caution.

"Ginny, Luna, Dean, Seamus and I. Oh, and Malfoy's agreed to help out."

"Malfoy?" Neville looked incredulous. "Why is he so helpful all of a sudden?"

"He wants to help," Hermione repeated firmly. "And he's had problems of his own as well. He's trying to make amends, Neville, please give him a chance." Neville sighed and rubbed his hands together, scattering soil on the dandelions who had hushed to a quiet sobbing.

"Have you told the others that he's helping?"

"No, mainly for fear they'd react like you did. He's not a bad person, he had to make tough decisions and he's suffered for it like all of us. Anyway, that's not the point. Can you help out?" Hermione implored, looking up at her friend. He looked away, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand.

"Of course, Hermione. The number of times you've helped me... When is it?"

"This afternoon, 4-6," Hermione said, pleased he had agreed at such short notice.

"And you left it this late to ask me?! Well, thank goodness I've got nothing I need to sort out for Monday."

"Thanks, Neville. I'll see you in the old Transfiguration classroom just before 4, then." She smiled, and walked back up to the castle.


The hours between lunch and four dragged by, and then flew past. Hermione was in the library, and saw the clock was at two. Then, the next time she looked up, it was at half past. Then, at half past three. It seemed to move through syrup from then on. Twenty-five to. Quarter to. Ten minutes to go. Then finally, five minutes. Hermione's stomach gave a lurch and she walked up to the classroom. Dean and Seamus were already in there, and were sat together talking quietly. They lurched away from each other at the sound of the door, but relaxed when they saw Hermione walk in.

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