This Is Not The End

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Callie POV

when we got to the group home I was really nervous. they got me situated showed me where I would sleep, told me the rules. the woman who showed me around then led me to a room where a bunch of other girls were sitting in a circle gathered around a woman talking. The woman who showed me around introduced me

Rita- welcome Callie, we have a group discussion everyday, why don't you join us

I sat down, hoping they didn't make me talk today, they continued around the circle with the girls talking, some of the girls talked really openly about their situations, others just didn't want to talk at all. when everyone had taken their turn, Rita looked at me.

Rita- Callie why don't you share with us

Callie- about what?

Audrey- why did you have to come here?

Kaitlin- yeah no one comes here unless they have too

Rita- alright girls that's enough

Audrey- so why are you here?

everyone stared at me, I don't want to answer that question

Callie- I um.. ran away

Kaitlin- why?

Callie- I... just for a lot of reasons

Audrey- that's not really an answer

Rita- lets wrap it up for today girls

as the session was over all the girls got up and dispersed, I was the last one to get up Rita came over to me.

Rita- I would like to talk to you one on one sometime, but I hope eventually you will feel comfortable enough to talk with the group

Callie- yeah..I don't think that's very likely

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