It Might Feel Like It's Over

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Brandon POV

I was riding in the passenger seat of Rita's car, we had sat in silence the entire time. I knew everything was going to explode when I got home, I don't know what moms will do. All I knew is no matter what happened they were not going to keep me away from Callie.

Rita pulled up in front of the house, I could see the drive way was full everyone was home. Even my dad had come over, moms were probably searching everywhere for me. The group home was hours away from home so it was dark by now. We got out of the car and headed towards the door.

inside the house my parents were all in the kitchen, somewhat frantic. when I walked in with Rita following the room went silent for just a moment before the questions started.

Stef- where were you?

Brandon- I um..

Rita- he came to the museum where my girls were on a field trip today

Mike- what?

Lena- why would you ditch school and go all the way down there

Brandon- I wanted to see Callie

Stef- to see Callie?

Rita- I caught them.. embracing, I thought you would want to know what your son has been up to

Stef- yes thank for bringing him home and letting us know

Rita started to leave then turned to me

Rita- from now on stay away from Callie, she has enough to deal with, without any  more complications in her life.

I wanted to say something back but I thought it was better not too, so I kept quiet and watched her leave. then I turned and saw my parents looking at me very angry.

Stef- what exactly did she mean by "embracing"

Brandon- we were just kissing okay

Mike- I can't believe you skipped school to chase after some girl

Brandon- I'm sorry but I had to see her, you guys wouldn't let me

Lena- we thought it was best for you and Callie to stay apart and figure things out

Brandon- well it's not best for me

Stef- wait, how did you even find out where Callie was?

Lena- Brandon?

Brandon- Callie called me

Stef- when?

Brandon- about three weeks ago

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