I'll Never Say Goodbye

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Callie POV

When Stef and Lena told me about coming back home, I told them I needed time to think. It's been a week since then, I still didn't know what to do. There was a visiting hour this weekend, Rita informed me Stef and Lena were coming. I was sitting in a chair in the common area waiting. I really didn't want to be around anyone right now. Stef and Lena walked in the room, Jude was with them I wasn't expecting him to come. they immediately saw me and headed over. Jude came to the chair and gave me a hug, then they all sat down.

Stef- have you though anymore about coming back?

Callie- it's all I think about

Lena- we don't want to pressure you

Callie- thanks

I looked to Jude

Callie- did they tell you what's going on?

Jude- yes, I want you to come home Callie

I hesitated to speak

Jude- please Callie come home I need you

Callie- Jude, I want that but..

Jude- please Callie

Callie- things with me and Brandon are..

Jude- all these years I have never asked you for anything, I'm asking now Callie

Callie- I'm sorry Jude, I'm so sorry.. I can't.. I just can't , I don't trust myself

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