Feeling Forced

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Callie POV

me and Brandon had barley talked even though we were living in the same house, Stef and Lena were watching us constantly. today was the day, a couple was coming who wanted to adopt our baby. Me and Brandon were against this but Stef and Lena wanted us to at least meet with the couple, so we reluctantly agreed just to keep the peace. when the couple arrived we all sat down in the living room to talk. Mike had come over too. 

the couple seemed nice enough, but they also came off as really desperate for a baby. they chatted on for the first half of the visit, most of what Kevin and Susan said didn't make an impact on me. the couples lawyer was also present to explain what the procedures would be.

Susan- we have wanted a baby for so long, your child would have a good home and you could even visit it and get pictures if that's what you wanted.

Mike- yeah, do you want to explain what the visitation would be

Lawyer- in an open adoption, supervised visitation once a year and..

Brandon- I'm sorry.. I.. I can't do this

Brandon abruptly walked out of the house

Stef- I'm sorry, he's just having a hard time with this

Susan- well we can just continue Callie

Callie- I need a break I.. I don't feel well

I got up and ran upstairs, straight to the bathroom and vomited

Brandon POV

I was sitting in the back yard trying to catch my breath. my dad came out

Mike- you okay?

Brandon- no

Mike- I know this is hard

Brandon- I can't.. I can't give my baby away, when they started talking about visitation once a year and I just can't

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