Home Again

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Brandon POV

the long car ride home was completely silence, with tension thick in the air. when we got home, mom sent Jude to bed then took me into the kitchen to talk.

Stef- how could you be so stupid, to run away like that, and to get a girl pregnant, how are we supposed to deal with that now!

Brandon- me and Callie want to be together and no matter what you do you can't keep us apart

Stef- oh yes we can! go to your room now!

Callie POV

we got back to the group home Rita had reprimanded me for running off and now being pregnant on top of it. she sent me to bed saying no more, I thought as I lay in bed that night good job Callie now your in more trouble than before and now bringing a baby into this mess.

a few days had passed since returning, I had tried to contact Brandon but couldn't, we hadn't seen each other since that night. today was the day of my court hearing, the hearing would determine if I would be sent back to juvie for violating probation.

when we arrived at the hearing things didn't start out well, the judge was thrown for loop when he was informed I was pregnant. at that point they didn't know what to do with me. in the middle of the hearing Stef and Lena entered taking a seat. I was surprised to see them there.

Judge- we'll she can't go back to the group home, she can't go to the juvenile detention center

Stef- your honor, me and my partner are Callie's previous foster parents, I would like to say something if I could

Judge- yes, please step forward

Stef- thank you, we have realized that our son was just as much if not more responsible for them running away, and now with Callie being pregnant. we feel this is a family matter we want to try and deal with privately, so we are requesting you let Callie come back to live in our home, so we can deal with this situation. 

Judge- we'll this isn't normal procedure for a situation like this, but since she has no where else to go I will allow it temporarily.

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