I've Got You Here With Me

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Brandon POV

we went to a diner nearby and got something to eat. I was quiet most of the time, Jude and Callie were talking nonstop catching up with each other. I was a little upset that I couldn't have Callie all to myself for this rare visit, but it was worth it to see her so happy. Jude got up an went to the bathroom.

Callie slid over closer to me in the booth we were sitting in.

Callie- thank you so much for bringing him today

Brandon- you both really needed to see each other

Callie- sorry we didn't get to spend more time together this afternoon

Brandon- hey I'm not going anywhere, we'll do it next time

Callie- okay

I put my arm around her and she leaned her head on my shoulder

Brandon- you know its almost time for you to go back

Callie shifted uncomfortably and sat up straight again

Callie- yeah I know

she was almost about to cry, then we saw Jude walking back and she pulled herself together again.

Brandon- hey bud we have to get going

Jude- already

Callie- yeah time to go

Jude's face dropped

Callie- hey look at me, we'll see each other again, we'll have days just like this you'll see

Jude- promise

Callie- I promise, no come on

we got into the car and I drove back to the group home, Callie said goodbye to Jude in the car then we both got out to say goodbye.

Brandon- when will I see you again?

Callie- I don't know, probably not for awhile. I'll call you if I can

Brandon- okay

Callie- is this really the kind of relationship you want? visits once a month, five minute phone calls, any other girl could give you a lot more.

Brandon- hey

I put my hands on her face, made her look up at me

Brandon- anything you give me is enough

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