Which Turn To Take

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Brandon POV

Callie and me had talked on the phone twice since the last call, but the calls only lasted a few minutes and we didn't get to really take it was mostly just checking in with each other. Even though it was better than nothing the calls just left me wanting more.

The rest of the family saw that I wasn't acting like myself, and everyone pretty much knew why too. Of course Jude was pretty upset too, I felt bad he and Callie weren't even allowed to communicate. I mean the phone calls weren't much but at least I could hear her voice, know she was okay. Jude didn't even have that much. Nobody else knew about Callie calling me, Callie asked me to keep it a secret for now.

Callie POV

As the days dragged by, I gradually got used to the group home. I was in away starting to bond with the girls. I had to talk with Rita my mentor every week for a hour session, so far she was the one doing all the talking. I was spacing out in my session with Rita and she saw I was distracted and called me on it.

Rita- Callie!

Callie- yeah

Rita- you know I put a lot of effort into these meetings and it would be nice if you gave me a little something to work with here.

Callie- I'm sorry

Rita- okay lets just review a little then

Callie- okay

Rita- you left your last foster home because...

Callie- I ran away

Rita- and you ran away because you were having a relationship with your foster brother

Callie- yes

Rita- why would you do that?

Callie- what do you mean

Rita- you made a choice to give up a stable home for some boy!

Callie- it wasn't really a choice, I mean..

Rita- but this isn't the first time this has happened, because in your file it says this same incident with your foster brother about two years ago

Callie- okay that was totally different

Rita- don't you think you have a problem that everywhere you go you cling to these boys for comfort 

Callie- I don't do that! 

Rita- then why are we here?

Callie- okay you know what maybe I am a little screwed up, but maybe I have a right to be! nothing has ever gone my way! my entire life has been a living hell! and you know what it may surprise you since to you it looks like I destroy every opportunity that comes my way, but I want a family! and I want to feel safe and loved and happy! and I don't want to have to worry about anything except being a normal sixteen year old. and I want to be with a guy who likes me and treats me ... and I see all these people around me with all these things in their lives. things that for some reason I'm not allowed to have. and there is no good explanation for it.. except that it's just me.

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