Wherever I Am

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Brandon POV

its been almost two weeks since I last saw Callie, she hasn't called. I am really worried that something happened to her. I thought about driving down there but it might only make things worse for both of us.

It seemed like there was no hope left for us, until I got a call from Callie a few days later.

phone call:

Brandon- how are you? it's been so long since I heard from you

Callie- I'm fine, I was worried about you

Brandon- me?  why?

Callie- I know Rita took you home and told your parents, were they mad?

Brandon- yeah, I was grounded for a little while but I was worried about you getting in trouble.

Callie- I was kind of under house arrest for a few weeks, that's why I haven't called, but it's over now

Brandon- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come

Callie- I'm glad you came, it was worth getting in trouble, just to see you

Brandon- yeah it was

Callie- even if it was only for a few minutes?

Brandon- I would rather have a few minutes with you, than hours with anyone else

Callie- look the reason I called was the group home is having a visitors day next week on Saturday, were allowed to have people come for the afternoon and we can even leave the group home unsupervised for an hour.

Brandon- that's great, I'll come see you

Callie- do you think your moms will be okay with that

Brandon- yeah.. I think so

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