I Won't Let This Go

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Callie POV

The muesuem was a simple distraction, all I could think about was my complicated life. The rest of the group was a little ahead of me, i started heading towards them to catch up.

Brandon- Callie

I turned quickly

Callie- Brandon, what..what are you doing here

Brandon- I need to talk you, look I..

Callie- not here

I saw the group heading to the next exhibit, I grabbed Brandon's hand and pulled him to empty hallway.

Brandon- look I know your probably mad that I came, but I...

I was so happy to see him, I didn't even let him finish talking. I gave him one soft kiss on the lips

Brandon- your not mad that I came?

I smiled

Callie- no I.. I didn't realize how much I missed you, untill I saw you here

Brandon- how could you leave Callie, you you made everyone so worried

Callie- I'm sorry, I panicked I didn't know what to do

Brandon- you should have talked to me!

Callie- please don't be mad

Brandon suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, we held each other tightly

Brandon- don't ever scare me like that again

we seperated just enough to look at each others face, then Brandon leaned in and started kissing me, I reciprocated. we got completly lost in the moment.

Rita- Callie

we stopped kissing and turned to look, Rita had caught us.

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