Where Do We Go From Here

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Brandon POV

the bus ride dragged on, as the sun started to come up I knew that soon they would realize we were missing. Callie was asleep beside me, Jude on the other side of her was sleeping too. I hadn't slept at all last night, I had to figure out where we would go when the bus ride ended in a little while. The bus came to a stop, it was time to get off. I gently woke Callie and Jude, we gathered our things and got off the bus.

Jude- now what?

Brandon- we have to keep moving

Callie POV

me and Jude sat in a diner across the street from the bus station, Brandon told us to go get something to eat, while he bought us some more tickets for the next bus ride.

Callie- are you okay?

Jude- yeah

Callie- are you sure

Jude- I'm worried

Callie- I know me too, everything will be fine though. I promise

Brandon came in and sat at the booth with us.

Callie- did you get the tickets?

Brandon- yeah the bus leaves in an hour

Callie- wait why did you buy two sets of tickets?

Brandon- I bought three tickets myself, then I had someone else at the station buy three more tickets for me

Jude- why?

Brandon- it's a false trail, I have to use my ID to buy the tickets, if they follow us here they will know where we were headed next. so I had someone else buy the tickets for me.  It will buy us a little more time.

the food we ordered arrived.

Callie- well lets hurry up and eat

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