Burning Out

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Callie POV

I was really starting to worry about Brandon, he said he was fine but was always so tired. after school everyday he went to his part time job and didn't get home until late, on top of that when he got home he had homework. His grades were slipping, and he didn't get enough sleep at night. I tried to talk him into quitting his job, but he insisted we needed the money to pay for the things for the baby. It was almost eleven o clock at night, everyone was in bed already. I was waiting up for Brandon to come home from work. he finally came in he looked exhausted.

Callie- hey, your finally home

Brandon- yeah

he sat on the end of the bed and took off his shoes

Callie- come to bed

Brandon- no I can't I have homework

Callie- Brandon you have to get some sleep, you can't keep going like this

Brandon- I'm fine

Callie- no your not!

I sat behind him and rubbed his back

Callie- I'm worried about you

Brandon POV

the next day when I came home from work Callie was still waiting up for me, even though it was almost midnight.

Brandon- your still up

Callie- yeah

Brandon- I'm home now you can go to sleep

Callie- here

she handed me a wad of cash

Brandon- where did you get that

Callie- now you can quit your job

Brandon- Callie where did you get this? 

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