You Gotta Believe

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Brandon POV

After seaching for a long time I was able to find out exactly where Callie's field trip was. I was going to skip school today and find her ther so we could work this out in person. I was sitting in thrid period basically watching the clock. I had skipped school before, but this time was different there was more at risk. Nobody else even knew me and Callie were talking. after this period was over I was taking a bus down to the muesuem. Callie didn't know I was coming.

As the bell rang I left class and headed out the back way, as I was walking to the bus station i remembered the first day when I had followed Callie to go get Jude. I rode on the bus for what seemed like forever, the whole time i was trying to figure out what i was going to say to her. I got to the muesuem a little after noon and cautiously walked to the front entrance. when I got inside i saw alot of people around, it was so crowded i didn't see Callie anywhere. I just started walking around, thena girl came up to me.

Dana- are you looking for something?

Brandon- what

Dana- sorry I just noticed you looking around are you lost or something?

Brandon- ah. no. no.. I was looking for someone actually,maybe you can help me

Dana- sure, who?

Brandon- do you know Callie, she's here with the group home

Dana- yeah sure I know Callie, who are you?

Brandon- Brandon

the girls eyes widened

Dana- Oh my God your him

Brandon- what?

Dana- I mean your Callie's.. I mean.. I heard about you

Brandon- right.. um.. so is Callie here?

Dana- oh yeah she's right over there

Brandon-  thanks

I turned and saw her, I started walking towards her, so nervous

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