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Callie POV

after we told Brandon's parents that we wanted to keep the baby and on top of that get married. they reacted as we thought they would, and tried to talk us out of it. when they saw were weren't going to budge, they agreed and had accepted it pretty well. The only person that hadn't accepted it was Stef, and I was worried she might not come around.

we were planning a small wedding with just family and a couple friends. we wanted it to happen as quickly as possible partly because my baby bump was starting to show, but of course people probably already knew. why else would two sixteen year olds get married. when Lena suggested having a wedding I was reluctant, I didn't really want a big ceremony I would rather just make sure its legal with out all the fuss. but Lena was so excited so I agreed, Marianna and Lena were already planning for a time that we could look for a wedding dress. when they mentioned it to Stef she responded by saying she wasn't interested in going, and wasn't even showing up to the wedding. Lena assured me she would talk to her and change her mind, but I didn't think it would work.

Later that night I talked to Brandon about Stef. He didn't act like it bothered him, but I could see behind his eyes Stef no being at his wedding was hurtful.

After talking to Brandon I knew I needed to speak with Stef, try to make her understand, maybe she had a right to be angry. I entered the kitchen where Stef was sitting, reading the newspaper. I sat down across from her.

Callie- are you still planning on not coming to the wedding?

Stef- you know how I feel about this

Callie- you have a right to be upset, we really screwed up. if your going to be angry at someone, be angry at me.

she looked up at me now

Callie- it would break Brandon's heart if you didn't come to his wedding, please

she didn't answer me she just went back to reading, I got up to leave

Callie- Lena and Marianna want me to go with them to get a wedding dress tomorrow, I would really like it if you would come with us, besides if you don't come they'll gang up on me and talk me into picking a frilly princess dress.

she tried to hold back a smile

The next day we were getting ready to leave for dress shopping, we were about to walk out the door, Stef appeared.

Stef- mind if I tag along

Callie- you think I'm goanna try and stop you

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