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Callie POV

I was laying in a hospital bed, Stef and Lena were with me. everyone else was in the waiting room.

Callie- where's Brandon?

Stef- we called him, he's on his way

Lena- just try and relax okay Callie

an hour passed Brandon still wasn't here yet, the nurse had just checked me and said the baby come soon. Just then Brandon came in the room, he came in a sat beside me. Stef and Lena left the room now.

the pain was unbearable, then after what seemed like forever the doctor finally announced the baby's arrival.

Doctor- here it is a beautiful baby girl

he handed the baby to me, Brandon kissed my forehead.

Brandon- you did so good

Callie- oh my God I can't believe it she's..

Brandon- she's beautiful just like you

Brandon POV

Callie was exhausted so the doctor had given her something so she could sleep for awhile, the baby was sent down to the nursery I went down to the nursery too. the rest of the family hadn't seen the baby yet they were all coming down to see her now. I picked her up and held her, she was so small. she wrapped her little hand around my finger. my family walked in the nursery and saw me.

Brandon- hey

Stef- oh my..

Brandon- you want to hold her mom

Stef- yes, I was so sure she was going to be a boy

Lena- how's Callie?

Brandon- she's fine, sleeping right now

Marianna- what's her name?

Brandon- I.. I don't know we haven't decided yet

eventually she was handed around to everyone and admired, I headed back to check on Callie

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