Call It A New Beginning

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Callie POV

I was waiting outside the group home for Brandon to come, He was late and I was so worried something would prevent him from coming. Others were all around visiting, the girls that didn't have anyone visiting took the free time to explore the neighborhood and have an afternoon as free teenagers. I saw Brandon pull up and jumped up so quickly, I was thinking to myself pace yourself girl you look really desperate. Brandon got out of the car smiled and sprinted over to me.

I ran to him and we hugged, then we separated slightly still holding on to each other.

Brandon- hey I have a surprise for you

Callie- yeah what?

he pointed back to the car and I saw with the window rolled down now so I could see inside the car there was Jude sitting in the passenger seat. I nearly squealed, then ran to him. me and Jude hugged for what seemed like a long time, I saw Brandon smiling watching us. we separated from the hug.

Callie- I am so glad your here, I missed you so much

Jude- I missed you too

Brandon- come on, lets go get out of here and do something for awhile

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