Abandoned by the Saviors

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Peter gets to the control panel. "Ready?" 6 asks from the floor below.

"Yup!" Peter replies activating the reactor. It doesn't work. He tries again. Nothing.

"Somthing wrong?" 6 asks.

Peter looks through a lead-lined window and sees the plutonium had been knocked out of the reactor, most likely when the chaos began.

Peter sets the reactor to activate as soon as it has fuel. This doesn't look good. Peter what are you doing?

"I'm going in there," Peter replies.

It's worst than I thought. Peter's begun to lose the will to live.

Don't jump to conclusions. He's still fading, but less than before. Double check first.

Why Peter?

"I can't sit idly by as someone is erased," Peter explains, "I don't have time to search the facility for a hazmat suit. The world could Ascend at any moment. Besides the readers will protect me."

Peter, I told you, the readers abandoned you.

"Lies! My mother abandoned me, as did Luke! At least Luke tried when he could, but my mother never cared for me, and Luke only started trying when I confronted him on the subject! I will not be abandoned again! Even if that means death! My life for another's soul, sounds fair to me. Stay out of my way Nathan."

Peter begins towards the reactor. 6 heard the whole conversation. I wonder how this will effect her? You OK 6?

"I'm fine," she lies, "but... I don't understand why he's doing this for me and 41, total strangers, one without empathy."

He's a good person. He helps people. He may be the weakest god, but, he's probably the best god. If you want an example of what to strive to be, look no further.

"He seems so... unhappy. What happened?"

It's a long story. I'll tell you next Asension.

"Will he ever have a happy ending?"

I don't know.

"But, everyone deserves a happy ending! Him of all people! You have to help him! You have to do something! At least tell him who his mother is!"

I can't do that.

"Why not?"

"If I tell him now, he'll never see the good in her."

"Who is she dammit?!?"

I can't tell you. If you want to help him, let him do this. Be there for him next Asension. He's been through a lot. Help him through these trying times best you can. That's all I can say.

Peter begins towards the reactor... nobody acts. He continues despite this. About halfway there, he begins to stagger. He falls to his knees and almost vomits. He gets back up. Nobody acts. Three fourths of the way, he falls again, and begins to crawl forward. Nobody acts. He finally reaches the plutonium and activities the reactor. As soon as 41 is digital, 6 takes the flash drive containing him and bolts towards the control room. She shuts the reactor down and rushes to Peter's aid. She takes him out of the reactor room, receiving less radiation due to the plutonium being properly sealed and the reactor being off.

"Peter!" She yells.

Peter weakly opens his eyes. "6," he smiles, coughing.

"Yes Peter?" 6 asks.

"I'll see you in the next one," Peter replies. He closes his eyes, and the last thing he sees, is another hallucination of Antagonist, smiling, welcoming him.

He had a good run. Listen, 6, I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I promise, that together, we can give him a happy ending.

6 sets down Peter's body. Rage stretches across her face. "You bastards!" She cries, "you let him die! He was there for everyone! He was a good person, and you let him die! Murders! You stay away from Peter readers, or else..." 6 glows with the power of The Stone of Destruction.

She begins to head back to the castle so that Villian can finish 41.

Don't take 6's words to harshly friends. There's nothing you could have done. I'm sorry this happened. But hey, maybe next run huh? Also, I'm gonna assume most of you are exiles, so that threat probably means absolutely nothing.

That reminds me. We need to talk...

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