God Is In Control

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You feel alone,

Like nobody is there.

Now Satan knows you're prone

To do sins that you must bare.

You back away,

Trying to escape on your own,

But Satan follows day after day.

He will never leave you alone.

You stumble and fall,

Climb back to your feet,

But turn to face a wall.

This is where you meet.

You realize you are weak,

That alone you are nothing,

Now you must be meek.

Trust the Lord with Everything.

You stop and pray.

You feel his presence all around.

Then Satan begins to back away.

Suddenly your heart begins to pound.

You're gone, done for, doomed,

You went too far to return.

To the sky your sins loomed,

But, Jesus, your sins may burn.

Admit you are wrong,

Will you accept the gift?

Please don't take long.

Jesus, your burdens will lift.

Have you made your decision,

Will you trust and obey?

Has Christ accomplished his mission?

Ya know...He died for you that day.

Praise God all heavens and earth!

One more soul has been saved!

The Angels rejoice at one more re-birth,

You feel so wonderful you're dazed.

Now Satan is angry,

He leaves for one moment,

But will come back to reality,

Your life he will attempt to torment.

Stand firm on God,

Never give in,

Don't just hide in a pod,

Let the Lord take over within.

In times of need and pain,

Turn to God in prayer,

Don't regard him with disdain,

He is with you anywhere.

God is in control,

Every day or night,

On level ground or in a hole,

In the darkness he is your light.

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