How do you do it?

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  • Dedicated to A girl whom I am trying to witness to. She asks, but will not budge.

How do you do it?

How do you witness your faith,

When the other person will not budge.

How do you answer the responses

That they shoot back.

By all these questions I am hit.

When and where will I be safe?

I try so hard not to judge.

I try to show her the chances,

And the answers her questions lack.

Once it started there is no stopping.

She asks for more each day.

Thank God for those he sends

My fellow believers of Christ and creation

They stand with me, as we try to reason.

She returns weilding questions with a bitter topping.

Now what can we do or say?

Now some help to us he lends.

Help to answer question following question.

Not believing, could lead to treason.

All we can do is wait and pray.

It is of her own will should she choose to believe.

I'll leave her to think her choices through

But as I wait for her to choose,

I will grow nearer to my dear Lord.

He is the potter and we are the clay.

In trying times to him I cleave

As I pray she chooses the right thing to do.

Tears of pain emerge as I think her soul he may loose

Now I must study, what is sharper than any two-edged sword.

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