A Special Day

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  • Dedicated to My friend and her family who are serving the Lord in Alaska

So, it was my friend's birthday yesterday, and she had her baby!  so now her baby shares her birthday and I wrote a special poem for her.


In the second month, on the third day,

There is really nothing you need say.

Your family welcomes a new baby boy,

A welcoming celebration of pure joy.

With a loving big sister, and also a brother,

The new little mister, couldn't ask for any other,

With loving parents who serve the Lord,

Nobody could ever ask for more.

When new eyes are open, a new soul born,

You are now hoping, he'll one day be re-born.

It's a special day with your little boy,

It's your birthday too, so don't be coy!

Happy Birthday dear friend,

Some gifts I did send,

I pray that you like them, and that they fit,

I made them with my Christmas kit.

With your favorite color, and your little girl's too,

Although I don't believe there is any blue.

After this silly little poem, meant with much love,

I pray you many blessings from the Lord above.

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