White As Snow

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Being a Christian is so amazing,

When I got saved I was washed white as snow.

Within my soul my spiritual fire is blazing,

So how am I yet white as snow?

I'm white from the blood that flowed from the tree,

By God's grace and power when Jesus died.

When I chose to accept Christ's gift to be free,

I no longer needed to run and hide.

Jesus took all my sins from upon my shoulders,

Wiped me so clean I'm as white as snow,

Every last one of my sins as heavy as boulders,

They're all gone because Jesus I know.

The snow does it's job and reflects all the light,

In his book God gives facts and commands--

I am white as snow, and I'm supposed to shine bright,

Shine brightly over all the lands.

Now I'll stand on God's promises,

I'll wait for him to provide his fruit in me,

I know I'm white as snow shining at God's wishes,

I'll walk with him and let him make me all that I can be.

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