Fighting Fatal Feelings

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  • Dedicated to God Bless the ones I say I hate, and the ones who get on my nerve sometimes.

How can I face these feelings I hold?

They're standing at the door of my heart, waiting to let in the bitter cold.

Hatred is a feeling, though harmless in mind, is fatal at heart.

But the only way I can make hatred stop is to never even let it start.

What triggers this feeling of hatred so harsh that in my heart is pounding?

In my mind ringing loud, the thought that I'm not wanted, so surely it is sounding.

Could it be that in my heart is burning, such a feeling of jealousy so strong?

Could it be I want it to stop burning within yet I can't though I know it's wrong.

What makes me feel the way I do around certain people that makes my spirit sag?

The feeling I receive from them that I may be some sort of plague.

Then at last the worthless feeling of being no good.

What causes this feeling should stop, it should.

These fatal feelings of trickery from Satan in my life,

I try to battle them through so much sorrow and strife.

But on my own these feelings indeed are true,

I need the Lord Jesus on my lifes feeling fighting crew.

With Jesus in the lead each day that goes by,

I no longer have to surrender the fight and cry.

Alone I can't fight these fatal feelings that I am feeling.

But when I have Jesus on my side the victories I now am stealing.


just a little something that's been on my mind, please vote comment read more share with friends. Thanks! God Bless You!

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