Lovin the Fresh meat

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To my bad luck I didn't die, but I was so embarrassed that I almost cried. I breathed out huskily with a loud whimper and turned my head to the new-comer again. When I saw his shocked expression changing into the smirk I curled into the huddle and hugged my knees with my hands with a groan. With my face buried into them I whined once more because of my misfortune. My bad luck evidently decided that it wasn't enough that 2 almost un-known people were sucking my dick and 2 other people were watching and recording it – another one HAD to come JUST IN TIME to see me reaching my orgasm. God, why me?

,, Did I interrupt something?"

A deep voice of the new-comer was heard from the door and I could clearly notice a huge amount of cockiness and sarcasm in it. If he wanted to make me angry he succeded.

,, Damn it, Jongin!! Learn to knock! I was getting really nice shots, when you suddenly barged in and ruined it!"

Lay yelled at him, clearly annoyed that the record wasn't perfect as he wanted. 

,, Go get ready. I will deal with you later."

Suho growled quietly and made sure, that he added a lots of threats into it.

After that he walked to me and I could feel his hand squeezing lightly my shoulder.

,, Kyungsoo, it's ok now. You did very well. I didn't think, that it will turn out that well. Great job!"

He said gently and I lifted my head to look at him. I felt embarrassed, but I knew that I needed this  job and I had to do well. This was my decision and I will handle it...somehow.

Now I was embarrassed even more with his kind smile and eyes watching me like a proud mother. Aaaaaaand I was still naked so.... I sat up straightly and looked directly at Suho.

,, Thank you, Boss. I will try to get used to it."

I smiled nervously. He laughed at his new nickname, grabbed my clothes and gave them to me.

,, Call me hyung. Now take a shower back there and dress. Your work is done for today."

My new hyung patted my head and showed me direction of the shower with his hand.

,, I will take you there, Soo."

Chanyeol smirked and stood up with me. The way he was smirking and eyeing my butt and wobbly legs was not calming at all.

,, I ...will handle it alone, Chanyeol. Thanks."

I thanked, trying to run quickly from his arm's reach.


Not bothering to knock, I found a bathroom and closed the door behind me. My clothes fell on the floor from my hands and I quickly stood into the shower, my eyes still on the floor. I lifted my head and froze.

,, Oh.....My,my,my.....Look who's trying to rape me in the shower? This one is already occupied, but feel free to join, little one."

The new-comer from before said conceitedly and showed me his toothy smirk. He put his arms down from his hairs, which he just washed, and let them fall along his body. I didn't realize that I followed the movement with my eyes. My gaze traveled across his collarbones, chocolate muscular chest and a really well-shaped six-pack to his crotch.

I gulped.

I always knew that my cock is quite big for a shortie like me so I didn't have to feel ashamed of it. It was also one of the reasons I even considered to sign up for this job. I also knew that for guys in this bussiness it is quite normal to have big dicks, but hell..... this wasn't fair. I guessed that this guy knew in which profession he should be.

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