Toast to clichés in a dark past

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As I rushed out of the apartment I couldn't shake off the feeling, that something is gonna go horribly wrong. I took a bus to the location Baek gave me and was there in a less than 10 minutes. Classic apartment complex appeared in front of me and I was getting kinda anxious. Did he wanted to meet in his apartment? It's a little bit weird to apologize like that, honestly I thought that we are gonna hang out and go for a coffee or something...

,, Kyungsoo!"

Baekhyun's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I turned around and saw him running to me, his hairs disheveled, dark bags under his eyes and sweat covering his face. I couldn't even speak a word, when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and started to pull me down the street, away from the apartments. After a few meters of dragging me behind him I saw a playground. He pushed me up on the small ladder into the colorful children's house and crawled behind me, shutting the small plastic door dramatically behind us.
We were cramped into the small space, our kneel almost touching and that made me even more angry. I tore my hand out of his grip.

,, Ok! That's it, Baek! What the hell is going on?!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I angry shouted at him.

,, Shhh! Wait!"

He pressed the finger to my mouth to shut me up.

I frowned and slapped it away, but patiently waited for him to speak up. He pushed his head out of the window with a little, fake curtains and looked around. With a small relieved sigh he finally sat down in front of me and closed his eyes.

I looked up at him again and my frown fell as I took in his tired appearance.

,, Baekhyun?"

I asked quietly. He shrugged violently.

,, I'm so sorry, SooSoo!"

He started, his hands shooting up to grab my shoulders, shaking with them a little.

,, I'm so sorry I shouted at you at the studio. You know I'm impulsive and kinda stupid, but I really didn't want to take my anger on you. Please, forgive me!"

He flashed his puppy eyes at me and I forgave him right away. I'm weak, but who could blame me.

,, It's okay. I'm not mad at you, Baek, but you have to tell me what's going on with you. Why did you fight with Chanyeol? And why do you look like you spend your night outside under the bridge, fighting rats all night?"

My hand automatically flew to his head, running through his messy, wet hair. He paused for a few seconds, his face falling.

,, It's a long story, Kyung. I don't w...."

He started, but I cut him off.

,, I have time."

He gulped nervously, his eyes twitching to the sides as there was something he was hiding from me.

,, No, I can't. You don't understand. I cannot tell you! I just wanted....I need...."

He couldn't get the right words out of his mouth.

,, What? Just tell me.....! I'm not stupid. I know I'm not here just for you to apologize, right?"

I asked, tilting my head to make an eye contact with him. He paused, his eyes nervously meeting mine as he took a deep breath.

,, I need......I need a favour."

He breathed out slowly.

,, A favour?"

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