Up the spout

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,, I know where they took your friend. And I'm gonna take you to him."

Kris breathed out, making everyone in the room froze.

I was beyond mad, but I stopped pushing him out of the room and looked him straight in the eyes when he said it. I tried to find the lie there, but I saw a sincerity in his look. I put my hands down and put them on my waist akimbo.

,, Are you telling us the truth?"

I asked, my frown growing deeper as he gulped suspiciously.

,, Y-yes! I'm telling the truth. Yo-you just look so scary it shook me off my feet a little b-bit."

The taller one stuttered, cold sweat glistening on his forehead as I never stopped with the examination of his face.

I clicked with my tongue in my mouth and opened it to speak, when suddenly Chanyeol appeared next to me and grabbed Kris's collar with his big hands.

,, You fuc.er! Where did they took him?!"

He shouted and lifted Kris a little into the air thanks to his own height.

,, Chanyeol stop! This is not the right way!"

Suho grabbed his shoulders and made him release Kris in an instant.

They exchanged a few looks and I realized the fear in Chanyeol's features. Just realizing the whole truth behind Baekhyun's behaviour must have shocked and hurt him really badly. I felt sad even more, but it also gave me even bigger determination to help Baek.

,, Let's sit down."

I said loudly for everyone to hear and made my way to the couch.

Kris followed obediently and sat in front of me. Chanyeol took a step to sit next to him, obviously not wanting to miss a possible opportunity tu punch the one right in the face, but Junmyeon blocked his way and sat next to him himself. Chanyeol glared and exhaled his breath angrily, but sat next to me eventually, kicking the table a little bit.

,, Kris,"

I started and he immediately lifted his head to look at me.

,, Why are you doing this?"

,, What?"

He asked, his eyes flicking from Chanyeol to me.

,, Why exactly are you doing this? Why are you helping us?"

I asked again, because I wanted to get the basic facts straight first.

,, I... I just want to help."

Kris answered quietly and hung his head down.

,, It didn't look like you wanted to help us, when they beat me up and dragged Baekhyun away. And what's more, from what I've heard you have enough your own problems with them. So why now, why you want to help us?"

I frowned, remembering yesterday's events.

The moment I spoke the words out loud I realized how much was my body and face hurting.

,, I was stupid and crossed my ways with them. Now I own them, so I have to do some small jobs for them in exchange. Trust me, I'm just a delivery boy for them! They will just give me package and I will give it to someone else, nothing less and nothing more. I don't want to have anything to do with hurting or selling people. Especially if....if one of you is your friend, K-Kyungsoo."

He said and his cheeks turned crimson red, when he said my name.

How absurd the situation was, I blushed a little bit too.

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