On Top of my Bottom

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I managed to survive another night. I don't have money anymore. Like non a penny. I gave the last ones to my landlord and I had to beg him, because it still wasn't enough. He knows about my situation and he understand that with hospital bills it aint easy to live. I need to talk to Suho.

I ate last piece of old bread in my one-room apartment, took a quick shower in the common bathroom in the hallway and put on some clean clothes.

I really need money. I feel like I'm stuck in a circle. If I won't eat, I won't be able to keep my job. If I won't be able to keep my job, I will become a homeless person and If I'll become a homeless person I will soon die somewhere under the brigde. Heck, no one would miss me, but what about her... ?

I dashed out from my small home, sat on my bike (yes, thanks God I still had one, but maybe not for too long), and headed to my new job. I stomped on my pedals and drove like a madman. I just wanted to feel the wind. It was really beautiful day, perfect to behave like a little kid. I slowed down and closed my eyes, enjoying spring breeze. I felt new rush of joy streaming through my body with sun shining on my face. I have a job ! Everything is gonna be alright. I will just talk to Suho and with my first payment everything is gonna turn for the best. For a first time in my life I was looking forward to my job! I think that for some people is it normal, but my job was quite different, you know, porn and stuff, lol.

I smirked, when I remembered my yesterday's adventure with Chanyeol and Baek. I still felt a little embarassed, but allaround it was simply awesome. I dated 4 girls and 2 boys in my life and sex was always something I quite enjoyed.

Talking about it....I really like Baekhyun. Shit, that boy is something, exactly my type. Chanyeol is also cool, but I like small ones, bottoms, obviously. And that f.cker Jongin, cch, I seriously hate his guts. He should stay away from me...

I glared because of my again cloudy thoughts adn get off my bike. I forced mysef to think about Baekhuyn, Chanyeol and others. What is gonna happen today ? I almost ran to these doors with tag ExoEro on it and knocked enthusiastically.

I waited like 2 seconds when suddenly the doors flew open and Junmyeon embraced me firmly in his arms again. Best-feeling-ever.

,, Good afternoon, hyung!"

I smiled and hugged him back, smelling his cologne.

,, You came! I was worried that you will be so embarrassed that you will give up! Oh, thank you Soo!"

He squeezed me so tightly that I almost stopped breathing. I could feel true worries in his voice.

,, Oh, really ? Hyung...? Am I really so important? Is something wrong? You told me something similar yesterday too....."

I asked him, curious what was happening.

,, Come inside. I will tell you everything."



I squealed and my drink went down the wrong way. I coughed, when the water wanted to get into my lungs and my eyes filled with tears.

Lay patted my back and helped me to breathe.

We were sitting in the living room again. Chan and Baekhyun sat on the opposite couch and I was on the other one with Suho and Lay (patting my back).

,, H...how?"

I managed to ask, when I finally calmed down a little.

Suho looked at me apologetically and pulled out his laptop.

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