Rotten Eden

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Next few days were all blurred. Jongin was still avoiding me and I also had a feeling that he talked to Suho or something, because for some reason we didn't record a single video together. Except the one with tied up Jongin as the main victim of the party. I don't have to say that when Suho found the recording he was more than happy to put it online – Jongin wasn't happy at all.

But nowadays I was always working with Baek or Chanyeol, or both of them. I was feeling really bad, because I still lived in Jongin's apartment – Baek made sure that I will go there every night. My mind was occupied with Jongin almost every minute of the day. What's more - once when I was recording with Chanyeol I accidentaly whispered Jongin instead of his name, so yeah, you can say that it was kinda awkward after that, but Chan promised not to tell anyone.

I found out that Junmyeon signed me out from my old apartment, so basically I was a homeless person right now. He simply banned me to live there with a command to find something better. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'm being a burden.

But still the last few weeks were like a heaven for me. Guys took me out a lot, to bars, clubs, restaurants or just for a simple icecream. They showed me so many new things. The ones I enjoyed the most were that I learned how to play billliard and we went to a karaoke. I was so happy. I've never experienced such a carefree life. I had friends and very good ones, they cared about me. I couldn't wish for anything else. 

Maybe for Jongin to stop ignoring me....

I sighned as I was nearing the studio. It was another normal morning for me. I cleaned Jongin's apartment like every other morning, for it to look like I wasn't even there - except for my little luggage and headed to work. I knew that he was not gonna come, but still I felt bad because of it. Actually today was worse than any other day. I felt kinda sad or more like I had a bad feeling about today.

I walked into the studio. The door wasn't locked so I let myself in, took off my shoes and jacket and walked in. As I step into our so-called living room I heard voices from studio.

,, Junmyeon.... Please, just listen to me....!"

,, I don't wanna hear a thing, Lay..."

,, Why not? Why are you avoiding me? Is it because of what happened 2 days ago?"

,, Just leave it, Lay. We have a work to do."

,, Junmyeon hyung...."

,, DON'T call me like that!"

Suho shouted suddenly, his voice firm and angry. I heard some bumping, screaking and moving of furniture. After that was just silence so I braced myself and opened the door slightly to peek.

And I almost peed myself from surprise. Lay was pressing our boss to the wall with his mouth pressed tightly against the other one. Junmyeon was trying to get out of his grip and kept pushing and hitting his chest. Cameraman grabbed his not obedient hands and locked them in one of his. His other hand flew smoothly behind Suho's neck, push him nearer to deepen the kiss.

I watched as Junmyeon slowly, very slowly sank into Lay's embrace and tilted his head for a better angle. The kiss lasted for a while and I just watched in amazement how submissive Junmyeon become. I didn't imagine him like that until now, because he was always THE boss. Even that time he kissed me I felt the dominant side of him.

Maybe that was why he pushed Lay away again.

,, D-don't touch me....ever again. Please...."

Suho glared at the younger one, but his eyes were somehow sad.

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