Friends and rivals

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I love mandjtv  so much!

(Ash's pov)
I looked out into the distance and saw Clement and (y/n) coming back. I stood up and ran to her. "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry." I said. She took my hand looked back at me and said "I am sorry too." I cried tears of joy and took the badge she gave me. Then we headed off on to the road. "I have all eight badges!" I realized. "Me too!" (Y/n)said.

(Your pov)
"We should head to the league." I said. "I'm going to beat you!" "No way!" Ash said. We'll see c'mon that league isn't waiting." I said and ran off. "Hey wait up!" Ash yelled behind me. "Catch me if you can!" I say teasing him.
"Let's stop here for lunch." Clement says. "Hey what's that over there?" I ask. I run over to it. It was an eevee. It was all scratched up and bruised. I picked the poor thing up and took it back.
" is that an eevee?" Serena asks. "
Ya but it's hurt. I'm gonna take care of it for now." I reply. I stroke its fur and it flinches. I pick it back up and said "I'll be right back!" And run off. Deep in the woods I put the eevee down. I open my locket hanging around my neck and it starts to glow. Then I transform. I wrap my arms around the eevee cuddling it until a gold glow comes off of it. Then it is healed. I set it back down and close my locket. I transform back into my original self and pick the eevee back up. Then I head back to the group. On my way there the eevee wakes up. I slow my pace and stare at her until she smiles at me. I smile back at her with a friendly grin. I put her down and she walks with me. I get back to the group an pick back up. "How's the eevee doing?" Serena asked. I show her the happy awake eevee and Serena smiles. "How is she perfectly fine? That's impossible! It would take days for her to fully heal." Clement said. I shrug my shoulders and said "my work is just magic." I wink at the eevee and she smiles. She looks down and writes something in the dirt.
"Fiona." I said. "Is that your name?" The eevee nods at me and I said "Hi Fiona." Fiona jumps on my shoulder and rests on top of it. "Well who wants lunch?" Ash asks. We all nod are heads and go sit down on the table. "Your eevee is so cute!" Bonnie said. "Thank you." I said. "Her name is Fiona." Fiona yawns and wakes up. I put her down next to me and give her Pokemon food. She eats the food happily. "You must have been hungry!" I said to her. Fiona nods her head and keeps eating her food. I finish eating to.
(After lunch)
"Are we near a city?" I asked. "There is one up here in a mile." Clement said. "Good because I'm tired." Bonnie said. "Let' go then! C'mon Fiona!" I said. She hops down and walks next to me as we head to the city. On our way there in a fork in the road we run into one of my "old friends."
"(Y/n) is that you?" "Calem?!" I said. A boy with jet plack hair a Pokemon beanie and black blue sweatshirt comes up to me and says "It's really you!" "We are not getting back together! I've found another guy!" I said my cheeks turning red on the spot.

Ohhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ crappy editor: little sister
Awesome author:me
I'll be doing more I still need to write though!!!

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