Fire and ice

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(Y/n's pov)
I wake up in ash's arms and the other son of Giovanni on the ground unconscious. Suddenly I realised what had happened. That was red ash's twin. He was the one who fought with Giovanni in the war not ash. Then something else hit me. I was the weakling. If I couldn't defend myself how am I supposed to defend my kingdom. "Hey (y/n) you ok?" Asked ash. "Yes and can you please put me down now." I replied. He put me down and we walked back to the Pokemon center after informing the police I was ok. Suddenly I felt something burning inside me. Then I saw it. Crystal in a fire holding a girl in her arms. I saw myself push toward her and then I came back to reality. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Ash asked concerned. "We have to go. Now." I stated grabbing his hand and transporting us to my castle in my world.

(Ash's pov)
Seeing the look in (y/n)'s eyes as we teleported I could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I ask as we walk towards the doors that lead outside. She stops and opens her locket obviously trying to ignore me. We transform into our fairy forms and I ask again. "What's wrong." This time she answers. Well sort of answers the question. "Fire.... Crystal... War... Let's go." She says. I am confused until we step outside and into the winter realm. Then her words suddenly made sense.

(Y/n's pov)
It was just as I saw it in my dream. Fire everywhere. I needed to find Crystal. She's got to be around here  somewhere. I fly up and over to her castle. I set myself down and walk around. Then I hear crying and run towards the noise. I push through the fire (because your the sun fairy and the sun is a large ball of heat, magma, and other hot stuff I'm learning this in science) and reach the noise. "Crystal!" I call out to her. She turns toward me and I gasp. She was scared and her usually bright blue (because winter) eyes lost their brightness and they looked gray. In her arms she's holding a girl who looks no older than five. "(Y/n),thank goodness your here!" She called.

(Crystal's pov)
The fire starts to threaten me as it comes closer. (Y/n) immediately reacts and grabs me pulling me into the sky. She puts Elizabeth (if that's your name than Isabelle) on her back and takes me to her side. She takes me inside the palace and sets me and her in the winter room. I have err had a summer room in my castle. We use them for visits from each other. "I'm so glad you both are safe." (Y/n) said. "Oh and who is this?" She asked looking at Elizabeth. "That's my daughter Elizabeth." I explained. "Who's her dad and where is he?" She asked. "Her dad is Daniel and he is-." I was interrupted when guess who showed up? "Daniel!" I said hugging him with Elizabeth. Tears dribbled down our faces. "Hey guys, we need to talk." Said a voice nearby. I looked toward it and saw.

I'm sorry I had to do that. Im sorry for not updating for so long but I it caught up in school and I have 4 damn projects I could be doing right now but instead I'm writing for you viewers who actually support me. Thank you btw. I now have 53 followers. That's more than halfway to my goal. Thank you all so much. I am so happy! Ok bye my cutie pies!!!!!

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