Challenged with love

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(Ash's pov)
Did she mean me?! Or Clement?! I hope it was me because I love her to. Calem grabs her wrist which makes me mad. "Let go of her!" I yell. Calem stares at me and says "I need to talk to you." We walk away for a minute and he says to me. "Here's the deal who ever gets further into the league gets the girl." Filled with rage I  immediately excepted the challenge. I had no idea what I had gotten us into. He left calmly and I walked back into the group. "What happened?" (Y/n) asked. I look at her and tell her about the bet. She looks back at me and says. "You are so dense Ash." I blush and look down she smiles and heads toward the city with Fiona by her side. I look to my left and see Clement blushing too. He likes her too! But I love her more he won't get her! I won't let him get her she loves me (I hope!) I walk with the rest of the group still mad at Clement. When we reach the Pokemon center (y/n) tells us to get rooms and she'll be right there. Then she walks over to the computer. When we are all done. "Let's go!" (Y/n) said.

(Your pov)
We all head upstairs into our rooms and I plop onto my bed. I was ready to sleep. Unfortunately time wasn't on my side it was still mid day. Then my phone rings. (Ring,ring)
"Hello? Ash. Ya I'll help you train. Wait what?! With Calem for me are you crazy?!" I said. Then I hang up and run downstairs. I spot Ash in the distance. "Hey Ash!"I said. "I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking and everything. I'm like rea-" I cut him off with a kiss and say "I forgive you Ash now let's battle!

(Ash's pov)
When (y/n) kissed me I felt like I could do anything and become a Pokemon master. I could defeat Calem and save (y/n). Good thing she likes me though. I smiled and pulled out my poke balls she did the same. "Go! Pikachu." I yelled. "Go Gardevoir!" She yelled back. "Gardevoir use physcic." "Dodge it!" Ash yells. "Future sight then fairy wind!" I said. "Electroball!" Ash yelled              

(Battle time skip because I can deal with it boom)

(Ash's pov)
"Nooooo! Greninja return. You did great!" Ash said. "Azumarill return!" I said. "You did good to but not good enough to beat Calem. "We will practice everyday and you will beat Calem. I could never fall in love with him. My fate rests on your hands so take care of me please." I said to him. He nodded his head and said "Nothing will pull us apart not even the strongest Pokemon!" Then we both walk inside.

I edited this one sorry!
I'm going to make them longer I'm just really tired right now 😴💩💩💩💩

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