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(Y/n's pov)
I had never felt so sad since the war. I was holding on to my sister and her daughter and we walked out. "Who would do such a thing?" I asked, upset. "I would.." I turned around. "Calem.. You're a son of Giovanni!" I realized. "That's right sugar." He said. God what is up with sons of Giovanni and liking me? "What do you want?!" I yelled. My clothes changed into a kimono that was red and white (above). "If I have your hand in marriage I'll leave." He said. Instead, i uppercut him and sent him flying and accidental broke a small window that he fell through. I know who 3 sons of Giovanni are. 1. Ash 2. Red 3. Calem. I wonder who the other two are?

(Ash's pov)
I walked in on my girlfriend, (y/n), punching Calem or as I have just discovered my brother. "Remind me to not get on your bad side." I joked watching Calem fall. (Y/n) giggled that adorable laugh of hers. "I can show you one way." She said, a hint of flirting in her voice. "Ok." I said, curiously. (Y/n). Is. Kissing. Me. I was shocked for a second, but I soon kissed back and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. We had to pull apart due to lack of oxygen. She ruffled my hair and I smiled. I felt a shock and turned to see my bud Pikachu. He had shocked me lightly as a way to compliment me for being so kind. That's what I'm guessing? I let him sit on my shoulder and I walked to the garden. "Well brother, I think it's time that we meet once again." I looked up to see two distinctly familiar faces. "Gold! And Ruby!" I said and hugged my two younger brothers. "It's good to see you two again." I said and smiled. "Ash who's this?" (Y/n) asked. "(Y/n) this is Gold and Ruby. My brothers. They are good. Gold and Ruby, this is (y/n). She's my girlfriend." I introduced them to each other. "~So you finally got a girlfriend." Ruby teased. "Oh shut up!" I called back. (Y/n) was just dying of laughter. Good times. One of the rare occasions that I can call a good time. "I haven't seen you guys in years. Hey (y/n), can they stay with us." I begged. "I don't see why not." (Y/n) replied and shrugged. I smiled and the four of us walked into the palace. "I can see why you love her so much." Ruby said. "(Y/n)'s so kind and sweet." Gold finished. "I know. I'm her boyfriend, I know (y/n) better than you two do, and I'm being truthful when j say this, believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet from her. I will tell you that much about her." I replied, slightly teasing.

(Y/n's pov)
I heard the 3 boys talking about me. I smiled and let them stay in our break room, filled with games, books, and electronic devices. I myself headed to the kitchen. Ash has been so kind to me and we found two of his brothers who didn't want to forcefully marry me. Things have really taken a turn to a brighter side since Daniels death.... I'm still trying to help Crystal get over that he's gone and he's not going to ever come back. It's a lot of weight, but it's my job to be the light in the dark, the sun of the shadows (this is why my dad is Apollo. Thnx dad). I decide to make salmon, cucumber, avacado, and California rolls with fried rice and wanton soup for lunch (U don't actually know what time of day it is. I may or may not have forgotten it. Heh. Don't kill me please though!). I finish and bring some of the food to Crystal's room. I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear her call on the other side of the door. I walk in and place the food down, but before I leave I look up to glance at Crystal, but unfortunately what I see shocks me. In a bad way and I gasp from shock.

Ok! First things first! Shout out to FrostedAurora for getting the question right and for giving me some inspiration. Oh and I will only have time to post once or twice a month. Plus, I have a show, my birthday, new anime seasons and things like that. Also the song is because I have recently found a new love for this really cool and awesome band 21-pilots, plus it really fits the theme of the chapter! Ok bye my little potatoes!

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