Chapter 14

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Hey guys I m so sorry for late update but actually guys say before yesterday was my sister birthday so we celebrated it and then we went for long drive and all so was very tired and also got ill due to weather change.. so sorry

But guys I wrote this chapter and now i m writing our forbidden lovestory which will be updated tomorrow so wait for it....

Guys i decided that nandani will surprise manik and it will be coming soon.. till then enjoy this update..

PlZzzz guys do Vote and comment.. will be waiting for all your feedback..

Happy reading...



I heard Cabir roar from nearby. I opened my eyes and looked at him. His face was bright red and he looked murderously angry.

"Cabir, not so loud you're going to make my ears bleed! What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up. But as soon as I moved, I realised what was wrong. I was still on the couch with Manik.

Oh no! I jumped up quickly and looked at Manik who had his mouth hanging open, looking completely shocked.

OK, I need to salvage the situation quickly.

"Damn it, Manik! Yuck! Did you have your hands on me?" I cried, pretending to shudder in horror.

Cabir looked at me, his face still angry, but he looked slightly confused now.

"I... er... don't... what?" Manik stammered.

"What the hell were you doing with him, Nandini?" Cabir growled angrily, pointing at Manik who just looked confused at this point.

"I must have fallen asleep, I guess." I frowned, shaking my head as if I was confused too.

"Fallen asleep? Well, what were you doing with him in the first place?"
He asked, shooting Manik another dirty look before turning back to me. OK, come on, think! Oh I got it; he'll have to accept this one!

"I had a bad dream, Cabir," I mumbled, looking at the floor, and pretending to be upset.

He gasped and wrapped his arms around me, instantly, putting his chin on the top of my head.

"Oh shit, Nandini. It's OK," he cooed, rocking me slightly.

"I was upset and I thought you were out here, but you weren't. Manik comforted me, that's all. We must have fallen asleep," I whispered, feeling guilty that I was lying. I really wasn't ready for him to know yet, especially after the way he was just looking at Manik.

"I'm sorry, I just thought... well, never mind," Manik muttered, pulling back to look at me.

"You alright now?" I nodded, biting my lip to try and ease some of the guilt I felt.

He looked over at Manik.

"Sorry, man, I jumped to conclusions and er... thanks for taking care of my sister." Manik looked really uncomfortable and glanced at me; I gave him a pleading expression, begging him with my eyes not to say anything.

"Yeah, no probs." He shrugged, rubbing a hand through his messy bed hair.

I quickly pulled out of Cabir's grasp.

"I'm going to go and get changed for college. What time is it anyway?" I asked, looking around for my cellphone. Why hadn't the freaking alarm gone off?

"It's not even six yet, Nandini. I woke up early." Cabir shrugged.

"Right, well then I'm going to go have some breakfast before I go in the shower. Er... thanks, Manik, for last night," I said, blushing and giving him a small smile.

DRUNK IN LOVE MANAN FF #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now